Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Trigger Warning! #BAUniC will change the world!

Trigger Warning!
#BAUniC will change the world!

#BAUniC is a skeleton structure of decentralized fund and knowledge gathering, aiming to inspire this generation's computer-aided collective imagination to improve upon the technical and language tools used to express ideas, helping preparing a smoother learning curve mediating easy transition from idea to rendering.
Hunches, in organic brains and intermediary data stages, passing through different programs and operators, through students and experts of different fields, fail after a proper chance to succeed and adequate attempts at improvement.
Else, they win, and bring forth the revolution in physics understanding!

It literally cannot be stopped (not more than technology itself can be stopped)!

Capitalists will have to use the formulas found because it deeply affects their bottom line. If they don't, their competitors will. If they do, they will be using their production apparatus to actually build the age of abundance claimed by #BAUniC. Change will come so fast that keeping up with the latest gadget will become a burden and unnecessary, changing mentalities on consumerism and what it means to search for happiness. Otherwise, with people and the economy actually keeping up, the benefits approach science-fiction level. Aliens you will have to see when we get there, but touchable returns would be new materials, new computing and communication methods, hybrid biology and micromachines just to name a few.

A world where techies build, promoters promote, organizers organize, visually oriented people explain their imagination to formula oriented people, then to code oriented people,,, this is no future-science-fiction is present-science-reality and a good model to use beyond exploring the fractal base of reality.

Zero cost economy, our civilization preparing for it, and must do it!

If capitalism wishes to bring some of its most beneficial genes (characteristics) on the new world order, its proponents needs to accept, adapt and selectively breed those mutually beneficial genes of capitalism to adapt with the zero cost economy. Robotics and A.I. are already pushing. The formula of the universe will push along.

The alternatives, regress, or still usurpation of property (physical or intellectual), are not worlds we will be concerned about. Debating about it, preparing the ground for a smooth transition, maybe. Giving in to unreasonable demands under potentially false premises, no. Chaos ensuing either way, at least we will try for the progressive chaos where the formula of the universe is usable by humans.

Global time starts at year zero, 24 hours, 12 months, synched with the sun.
English is the language of our aspiring level 1 civilization.
Mathematics is the language of the universe, and we are writing it using original Arabic numbers.
Organics and synthetics interact with each other in a combination of the above.
Now, constructive criticism aside, getting over what troubles us on issues about protocols and focus on the substance, is the right path to go, assuming we wish global collaboration and progress instead of war and terror.

Let our common objective unite us, and our differences fade into insignificance!

Do we want to make the world a better place? (answering 'no' gets you out of here, yes continues)
Is progress and abundance the path to it or do we need to force people to struggle for existence and advance our civilization along? (progress or struggle open debates; regress gets you out of here)
Does 2+2 exist? ('yes', you continue here; 'no', you go elsewhere)

If we are given the opportunities to progress without worry about survival and with immediate access to all human knowledge, we accept that this fast progress will lead to stagnation of some humans. We are not concerned with them. We are concerned that the remaining pool of creativity can go on exploring beyond frozen fractals into the 'shared math hypothesis' with as many resources from a bored civilization as they can.

See also:
. #BAUniC:Enthusiasm 
(baunic.blogspot.com/2016/09/baunicenthusiasm.html) .
. #BAUniC 2016 Finalists
(baunic.blogspot.com/2016/11/baunic-2016-finalists.html) .
. Coordinated Viral Attempt
(baunicretwarmy.blogspot.com/2016/07/coordinated-viral-attempt.html) .
. Contact & Related Links
(baunic.blogspot.com/2016/08/baunic-related-links.html) .
. Building A Universe Competition
(baunic.blogspot.com/2016/02/building-universe-competition.html) .

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