Monday, February 27, 2017

Pi Slicing!

There are some that are good at tweeting, there are some that are good at minding, reminding, and cheering... and some that are more productive handling dimensions. Can we share the tasks?

Why is THIS: (shortest version to inject this knowledge is: Pi Slicing!) not a sensation, but US elections ring our ears no matter how hard we try to keep them out?

Let's offer the world the path towards the formula of the universe. Something Alien-meeting, at the highest, and better understanding of the laws of physics enough for nanomachines and immortality, at the lowest.
The lowest, , , the immortality thing. Enough for brain-scans and virtual-reality existence. . . that's like writing history. . .

* Either we can do it, and in that case I say we got wikipedia, computers, code, high level code, and tables of ready calculations like 20 million digits prime numbers and quadrillions of digits of Pi, we can do it!
* Or we can't, and I say, we need to try, experiment on it, and say that after trying and failing, scientific style, and the path walks right through the garden of zero cost economy.

Pi Slicing! Addressing eternity, all distances, the multiverse itself if done right.

I would like to quote @VirtualUniverse and @AlessaMorre:

One chirps the loudest when having something important to say!
#BAUniC !!!!
More important than A.I and Asteroid Mining combined!

We are a race of problem solvers!
We got momentum!
We got need for it in this transition phase between feudal and level1 civilization phase!
And we got the computers and organics to put to it!

Consider refining tools that don't grow weak with use and disuse. Maintaining a sword vs. maintaining a computer code.
Consider the zero cost economy from making ready tools that can be used in perpetuum. A vacuum for creativity!
Consider Zero cost creativity expression, and a global trade.

As posted on: by

Tuesday, February 14, 2017



#BAUniC is an open-source, non-profit, decentralized project. We realize, though, that coins help attract attention and tease competitors, therefore are open to various forms of sponsoring and product placement.

In order to provide ever-pouring funding to #BAUniC we have come up with the idea of a funding pyramid giving away a portion of the accumulated pot each year to the winners of the competition. This way a single investment will carry on feeding the competition forever, as mathematicians delight in the concept. But, a normal series of donations will have snowball effects, the hot type!

Donations may come in various ways, cheering various accomplishments as fitting the desires of the donators, such as 'fully functioning program or combination of programs that renders the final result in comprehensible 640x480 or better', or 'addressing the self-consistent variant of target physics where 3 quarks (their vortex representatives) and 1 electron (antivortex on the same side of causality) settle at the lowest energy in something resembling hydrogen'. But donations that come through the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid will be rewarded with votes with which to pick the 'Best Formula' and 'Best Tutorial' winners and runner-ups. These votes give extra power to the project itself, and can be used as encouragement or reward for quests, 'drawing energy' from the environment to the benefit of donators of coin, time and success.
(see 'Current voters log' and 'Current accumulated pot of prizes' below)

The #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid is designed to be a self-sustaining entity, giving away 1/3 of the accumulated pot of rewards each year, aiming to provide the equivalent of a Nobel Prize to the winners of #BAUniC (filling in where the Nobels lack, prizes for mathematics and programming). Diminishing returns guide prize distribution to stop there, and favour multiple prizes spread in time and among other competitors, which does a better job in teasing talents towards the Theory of Everything successfully rendered in a computer.
(see 'Current prize distribution' below for more details, categories, and the distribution of coins)

If the guardians no longer wish to keep guarding the funds, they can simply pass on their share to other guardians of the same type.
(see 'Guardians of the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid' below for more)

Applying liquid democracy rules for vote count (that is, partial category/time delegation of decision making capabilities to trusted entities, in real time agreement over insta-internet). This is a human-to-human project after all. If we can't handle a bit of communication, oiii...
(e.g., if I have 10 votes, I may wish to give all of them to only 1 project on the 'Best Formula' category, and give 3-3-2-1-1 votes on the 'Best Tutorial' category, and pass on the decision to my mate in the 'Best Scenery' category.)
Projects will be ordered by number of votes in their respective category.
Winners and followers will be declared afterwards.

Current accumulated pot of prizes:
* 1902 L$
* zero Bitcoins
* zero USD
* zero Euro

Guardians of the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid:

L$ Guardians and visitor place:
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: 1902 L$ *

Bitcoin Guardians:
* Alessa Morre, pen-name of the #BAUniC-Fictioniverse writer.
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero *
* Nathan Fisher, youtube entertainer at Nate's Turn.
Visitor's address:
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero *

USD/Euro Guardians:
* '#BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid-FiatCurrency' committee in Real Life.
Public Faces: Edlira and Eljon
Also background group has an extra accountant and an extra lawyer who would rather not be exposed publicly.
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero USD, zero Euro * views points guardians:

Current pot: zero viewpoints *

Current prize distribution:
1/3 of the current pot will be given to #BAUniC winners, with 2/3 fueling next year's competition. This provides solid return for the vote rewards, while still practicing vote deflation based on eternal feeding of the prize mechanisms. The pot will be split between categories, of which 2 are core ('Best Formula' because the final goal is the formula of the universe, and 'Best Tutorial' because the most powerful path to it is making it easier for people with ideas to turn those ideas into working models) and more will be added as more competitors and donators agree upon (such as 'Best Scenery', 'Our home in the e=mc2', 'The Fractal Supercomputer', 'Best chances of Life' or 'Best Chances of Civilizations').

General distribution rules as of 20170215:
1st prize: 1/4 of total prizes for the category;
2nd prize: 3/5 of first prize;
3rd prize: 2/5 of first prize;
4th prizes, 2 of them: 2x 3/10 of first prize;
5th prize, 3 of them: 3x 2/10 of first prize;
6th prize, 4 of them: 4x 1/10 of first prize;
7th prize, 8 of them: 8x 1/20 of first prize;

Example distribution of 40 Bitcoins, parallel/independent of also 20'000 USD/Euro, parallel/independent of also 1'000'000 L$, for a single category:
1st prize: 10 Bitcoins + 5000 USD/Euro + 250'000 L$
2nd prize: 6 Bitcoins + 3000 USD/Euro + 150'000 L$
3rd prize: 4 Bitcoins + 2000 USD/Euro + 100'000 L$
4th prizes, 2 of them: 3 Bitcoins each + 1500 USD/Euro each + 75'000 L$ each
5th prizes, 3 of them: 2 Bitcoins each + 1000 USD/Euro each + 50'000 L$ each
6th prizes, 4 of them: 1 Bitcoin each + 500 USD/Euro each + 25'000 L$ each
7th prizes, 8 of them: 1/2 Bitcoins each + 250 USD/Euro each + 12'500 L$ each

Of 1984 L$ in the pot for 2017, 656 L$ (as rounded for the calculations since L$ can't be split) were to be distributed to the winners with a complete working project in:
Best Formula: 328 L$
Best Tutorial: 328 L$
1st prize: 82 L$ (one of which was delivered)
2nd prize: 50 L$
3rd prize: 34 L$
4th prizes, 2 of them: 25 L$ each
5th prizes, 3 of them: 16 L$ each
6th prizes, 4 of them: 8 L$ each
7th prizes, 8 of them: 4 L$ each

Unused coins were returned to the pot for next year. As simple as that.

Current voters log:

* PES_Golly (
   , 17 votes;
   , 3 votes;
   , 3 votes;
   , 31 votes;
* TutGolly
   , 74 votes;
* zio 205IQ
   , 6 votes;
* Virtual Universe
   , 6 votes;

Vote rewards for coin donators #BAUniC2017:

1 USD for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid was rewarded with 4 votes with which to help chose the winners of #BAUniC2017

1 Bitcoin for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid was rewarded with 4096 votes for #BAUniC2017

64 L$ for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid in SecondLife were rewarded with 1 vote (L$ to USD exchange ratio of 250L$=1USD)

250 viewpoints for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid in were rewarded with 1 vote ( viewpoint to USD exchange ratio 1000viewpoints=1USD)

#BAUniC2018 rewards will be double those of #BAUniC2017.
See 'Vote deflation mechanism' below for more.

Symbolic vote rewards valid for #BAUniC2018 for competitors of #BAUniC2017:

Participating teams (with complete projects) will be rewarded with:
14 votes for their main project in the chosen category,
+10 votes for a tutorial to building a similar project (not just steps to reproducing the results),
and +6, +4, +2 votes for participating in other categories.
Finalists will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+26 votes for making it to the finals of their chosen category,
+22 votes for the tutorial finals,
and respectively +12, +8 and +4 if they make it to more categories.
Winners will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+38 votes for winning their chosen category,
+34 if they win the tutorial race,
and +18, +12, +6 if they win more categories.

Symbolic votes go through the vote deflating mechanism too.

Vote deflation mechanism:

After every competition the vote rewards for contributors and donators will double while vote count will remain the same. New voters will be added to the ledger along with their new vote abilities alongside old voters. That means, contributor once, voter forever, which we desire since that hooks you up in more than one way. We need humans!

(Bitcoin rewards are doubly-doubled compared #BAUniC2016, adjusted to the USD-Bitcoin exchange rate of 20170128, assuming a rounded-up 1000 USD per Bitcoin. See the issue posted here:

Monday, February 13, 2017

Lend Us Your Love Fingers!

We are content creators, not content distributors.

Regular perverts by day, loving all humanity and nourishing our progress towards Level1 civilization by night.

Lend Us Your Love Fingers!
(Love fingers of share and like... what did you think of? you... suggestible human... - quick, don't think about a pink elephant - oh no, too late...  : ) hugz)

Dear diary: Distraction day 20170214... The whole world is overwhelmed by memes, dulling the creativity of everybody since we do rely on each-other's insights and conclusions after digestion of information.

Love is more pronounced on a time of peace.

After WWII (true fact), and after the fake news and warmongers stopped propaganding it to us (wishful thinking), (out of fear of Dr. Manhattan returning maybe?).

After the #BAUniC Revolution!

Because revolution will it be, once we build nanomachines with the superior knowledge of how forces interact and give meaning to mass and energy (and other futuristic technologies that become presentistic with the formula of the universe).

Because the universe is based on mathematics and we cannot dismiss it out of prejudice without experimenting on it first, as science lovers should.

#BAUniC is a decentralized effort to promote an encouraging environment for the debate of ideas about the mathematical universe, unshackled by prejudice, using instead of shunning away from concepts such as 'the wave function never collapses' of Hugh Everett III, helping evolve language to better express ideas, so ideas grow from conceptual to formulaic and then to computer code able to render a slice of our universe. In this friendly environment is where the magic happens, where a targeted tutorial or borrowing the skills from another professional makes the difference between let's say a mathematician or an artist trying out an idea instead of turning back discouraged by the amount of programming needed for a trial with little guarantee of success. All ideas require refinements, which become harder once focus shifts towards learning supporting skills when the need arises. Especially true for the search for the formula of the universe (if it works on the first try, it was not the right formula). Our civilization has so many tools and greatly organized knowledge that Einstein could only dream about. So much in fact that information obesity becomes a real problem holding down our collective IQ. This is where #BAUniC comes in.

We wish to push the wheel of history to a jump in our civilization's technical abilities (fast enough for a high resolution brain upload of the living version of Stephen Hawking instead of his frozen version, which would be much easier if we have a better understanding of how forces and energies interact to give rise to matter).

We are not doing it for the money, otherwise we would not be doing it open-source. But we acknowledge money will help tease competitors to join, and push faster. Therefore, sponsors and logos are welcomed, and will be more appetizing for companies the more popular we grow. Prizes for the winners can be handled directly by the sponsoring entity promising the prizes, which makes it possible for the decentralized spirit of #BAUniC to function without us even touching the coin at all.

A sponsored competing team would bring part of the greatness of #BAUniC back to the sponsors in form of prestige. If you have better ideas on how to make profitable a collaboration with #BAUniC, we are open to regular or unorthodox methods.

Even if you go the full commercial route with closed source software, like 'Hello Games' (No Man's Sky) or 'Euclideon', we would very willingly cheer for your success and help you extend your reach, because the fractals are the base of reality and our society better get ready for them, learning the skills needed to cope and improve upon. And, even if we are wrong and they are not that, the way to convincingly say that is to explore them, like scientists do, commercial or open source, like we do for dark matter or gravitational waves. Exploring the fractal universes is well within reach of individuals and small groups, requiring brains and computers instead of LHC or advanced telescopes. Which puzzles me why so few of our 7 billions appear to be into it, but maybe we are wrong in our perception and many more are actively trying independently. The laws of physics cannot be copyrighted, or research on them be stopped. With joined forces, though, the formula is a few years away, not decades. The revolution is near!

In the grand fractal schemes of universes able to evolve beings capable of awareness, the path worth taking into consideration is freedom to love.

And if some individuals or groups decide to love each other more if we join forces towards the exploration of the fractals that make up spacetime, we cheer that! It means the utopic future is a few steps closer. With the right people assembling (like after a viral proliferation), the formula of the universe (already within reach of small groups) becomes usable within a few years, not a few decades.

Would this viral proliferation of #BAUniC Love be considered an STD? (Scientifically Transmitted Directive?)
Would you like to catch this STD?

It is easy:
1) Be inspired (see #BAUniC:Enthusiasm),
2) Learn of current progress (see PES_Tiles Theory of Everything)
3) Help turn that into formulas and code (or tell someone who can, or tell someone who can tell someone who can)

Because when the formula of the universe is found, we all will love it, and its effects on our society.
But we are loving it already, so much, that we want it faster and harder, fast enough development of sciences to achieve immortality for our aging parents. (Because not everybody is as healthy at that age as Ray Kurzweil. Thank you Ray for your push towards the future. You have been an inspiration ever since I learned of your existence).

And if we find the cornucopia, and use it to make bombs, so be it, we did not deserve this planet in the first place. This falls in the 'not worth taking into consideration' schemes.

We love you all, exclusively, and I mean those who willingly came here and are reading this.

The easy steps to catching the #BAUniC STD:
. #BAUniC:Enthusiasm 
. PES_Tiles Theory of Everything

If unsure you caught it yet, throw in a bit of lovemaking in these positions:
. #BAUniC:movie
. #BAUniC2017

P.S. Given how base 10 with its prime folds at 2 and 5 looks like this VV,  What would this VV look in base 14? 21? 42? And what properties such system would have?

Eat less Pi! Eat more Primes! ^^ More love for Primes : )

(source of the image, and more of where it came from, "The Last Digit of Prime Numbers - Numberphile" at

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Lend me your rage finger!

We are content creators, not content distributors.

Regular workfolk during the day, suckerkicker of the system during the night.

Lend me your rage finger! (rage finger of share/like)

It is the current year, and a world suffers hunger while another world suffers obesity. R&D focuses on how to keep the sick functioning for as long as possible, and of course they need the money for their effort, else, in this economy of wolf-eat-wolf they would be starving. And of course, if you got no imaginary money, you get no death-delaying medicine.

Humans are about to become massively unemployable. And pitchforks won't work against drones.
1 person 1 vote works on a many-year cycle where puppets are put in place of actual contenders. Should a puppet deviate from the expectation (The-Young-Pope style), sniper or poisoning are not unthinkable options.

We got unemployment, and we got an aging population that somehow can't get benefits because of the broken age pyramid!?
We got preparation for Mars colonization, and we got a generation worse than their parents!?

Well, FUCK it!!

I want to bring this system down!

System: Consider yourself warned!
These are my demands:
Universal income, now!
Free education!
Free medicine!

That will not stop progress, but, consider the alternative. Remember the French revolution. Be prepared for the #BAUniC revolution! ('Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC is the politically correct version of the 'Fractal Universe Challenge')
And pray that nothing happens to me, since this will spark the revolution much faster than my rage-shouting!

Also, prepare a list of excuses (maybe some that you believe yourself) to give our descendants if we don't find alien civilizations in the shared mathematical universe we inhabit. You will be judged, just as I will be judged.
Don't try to wiggle out of this by not believing it will happen. Add infinity to anything, and the improbable becomes inevitable. Our cosmos is infinite in at least one direction. A copy of you (beyond our causality bubble) is already answering, and you will too once you cut off the link between your soul and the organic body holding it connected to Earth.

The formula of the universe is within reach of individuals and small groups, and no amount of academic bureaucracy can stop it from happening. Especially after we make an app for that.
Wanna see?

Try telling people research on the Theory of Everything is forbidden. Try telling businesses not to use the formulas found there.

You may succeed in stopping it, but that is the kind of future you yourself don't want to live through.

Therefore, do the logical thing. Make the future happen. Save what's left of your dignity. Don't let people starve in the cold with excess resources laying around. Don't treat unemployable fellow organics as inferior, because, guess what are you in comparison to .... ; )

(as posted at AlienScientist!&p=434#post434)

#BAUniC at zero cost economy

#BAUniC at zero cost economy

A message from the founder of #BAUniC

At the current stage of world's development we have tools and resources at our disposal that allow us to do almost anything software related for free. Accepting, and without going into the debate of, 'sometimes it is better to pay for a better working program than go for the open source free tool', #BAUniC is the open source version, born out of the zero cost economy of 21'st century Earth, to find/play/explore fractal universes.

Because the mathematical universe needs to be explored, and uncomfortable concepts (such as the wave function that never collapses) need to be tackled instead of hiding our head in the sand.

I am putting volunteering work at obsessive self-sacrifice of time and attention. The cause deserves it.

But I am NOT going to put money into the system!

My reasons:
Stubbornness and common sense (justifications);

I am putting my work into this. If you have a mouth (fingers) to complain that I am not putting more of my resources into it (that is, money for the prizes), taha, ,You,, are saying that, (you know who you are in specific, but if it burns you in generic, so be it). I am saying you are putting nothing into it, and when the revolution comes you will gain along.
And, to the issue that 'it is my project after all'... well, I am doing this because nobody else is doing it, but our world needs this. A cause more important than personal comfort, as I see it. Our world needs a higher bar for out-of-the-box thinking, and a lower entry bar so enthusiasts can play around without needing a long list of titles and scientific papers full of watery words beforehand.

Minimum daily wage where I live is comparable to minimum hourly wage of neighbouring countries. It would be a waste of my time/life to be putting money rewards into #BAUniC, while diminishing my personal financial stability, achieved through a minimalist way of life and willpower to change what translates into pleasurable experience for what costs on time and money.
And #BAUniC needs time and attention, techies and organizers, experts or enthusiasts, rather than money.
And a focus on the money may attract the wrong kind of collaborators, including but not limited to: 'more more more, and if not running, give it up' kind of people, which is not the way to go for the peace needed to work on formulas of the universe. Or 'pump-and-dump startup entrepreneurs', or 'if it does not make money, it is a trashworthy idea'-industrialists, even though it WILL change the world!!

Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that out of my chest.

Thank you for reading.

Please join us and help bring #BAUniC to the attention of our civilization.