Friday, March 20, 2020

Dampeners of inverse Covid-19's payload injected in to cells.

Can be done: Viral inject RNA to any cell for any function, eg: photoreceptors on skin cells.

They are special viri unable to reproduce themselves with their payload, unable to survive outside wet cozy environments.

Should be done: Covid-19 dampeners injected either directly (proposing here: segments of inverse RNA that match Covid-19's payload and make it inert and unable to complete assembling its molecules), or in the substances constructed by the cells.

Folding@Home is seeking the best dampener/destroyer molecules (also everyone and their dog). We can 3D-print any DNA/RNA. We can teach shit bacteria (e-coli) to replicate it for cheap.

Let's hit these bastards with an industry that expands our collective immunity system!

 is stoppable,
  the #FractalUniverseRevolution
   is Unstoppable!


Original post on @VirtualUniverse on

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