Monday, November 14, 2016

#BAUniC 2016 Finalists

#BAUniC2016 finalists with a complete project:

#BAUniC2016 finalists with a work in progress and honuorable mention:
* "Vibrational World" by Albert Thomagjini, (
* "Quantum Asymmetry between time and space" by Joan A. Vaccaro, (

"GoTeamAlbania" and "TheAlien5cientists" will apply for #BAUniC2017

PES_Golly is taking advantage of the anonymity of the internet to help advance this competition (and society along), but in relative safety given the sensitive metaphysical implementations of exploring the fractal universes in current year's religious climate. #BAUniC2016's pot was zero, therefore no need to change anything.

Disclaimer: PES_Golly are related to the #BAUniC team by various ties of friendship and collaboration on aspects of organization, technical expertise, promo and the building of the #BAUniC-Fictioniverse. Nothing to apologize about it. If you know a better way to grow a small project from obscurity to global/viral/perpetual, suggestions are welcomed. Till then, refusing small 'show-the-way' projects, or big actual contenders, because they happen to be close to the cluster that is brainstorming (and zero-cost-economy building) #BAUniC into existence, is unfair, waste of potential, and frankly (IMO) stupid. We hope future projects will be complete and from a more diverse source of talents.

Testing, discussing and voting for the finalists continued till the end of November 2016.

Places used to discuss and vote were anywhere human-to-human can interact with each other. Comments in here would have been a good place to start, but e-mail was fine too.

May our efforts bring the formulas of the base of reality closer to our reach.

See also:
. #BAUniC 2016
( . 
. #BAUniC 2016 Winners!
( .
. What, Why, How
( .
. #BAUniC:Movie, a fictioniverse under construction, SP01LERS!!
(scene1 is mostly organizational and spoiler free) .
. Open Letter to the Internet
( .

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