Saturday, January 28, 2017


#BAUniC2017 - the competitive event of 2017 for #BAUniC


* TutGolly (project presented at:

* PES_Tiles (draft presented temporarily at: , links will be updated as necessary)

ELECTRA SYMMETRY - New Physics Bridge (presented at:

Current pot of prizes for winners: 1984 L$ and a few symbolic vote rewards for next year's competition (similarly to last year's rewards).
(more detailed information is found on the '#BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid' post:

Vote rewards for #BAUniC2017:

1 USD for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid will be rewarded with 4 votes with which to help chose the winners of #BAUniC2017

1 Bitcoin for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid will be rewarded with 4096 votes for #BAUniC2017

64 L$ for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid in SecondLife will be rewarded with 1 vote (L$ to USD exchange ratio of 250L$=1USD)

(doubling the vote rewards compared to #BAUniC2016 according to the vote deflation mechanism, and adjusted to the USD-Bitcoin exchange rate of 20170128, assuming a rounded-up 1000 USD per Bitcoin. See the issue posted here:

Participating teams (with complete projects) will be rewarded with symbolic votes valid for #BAUniC2018:
14 votes for their main project in the chosen category,
+10 votes for a tutorial to building a similar project (not just steps to reproducing the results),
and +6, +4, +2 votes for participating in other categories.
Finalists will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+26 votes for making it to the finals of their chosen category,
+22 votes for the tutorial finals,
and respectively +12, +8 and +4 if they make it to more categories.
Winners will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+38 votes for winning their chosen category,
+34 if they win the tutorial race,
and +18, +12, +6 if they win more categories.

Votes (for each category) will be given to the presented projects as the voters see fit, in any order or arrangement.
(e.g., if I have 10 votes, I may wish to give all of them to only 1 project on the 'Best Formula' category, and give 3-3-2-1-1 votes on the 'Best Tutorial' category, and pass on the decision to my mate in the 'Best Scenery' category.)
Projects will be ordered by number of votes in their respective category.

Current voters:
* PES_Golly (
   , 17 votes;
* Albert Thomagjini (
   , 3 votes;
* Joan A. Vaccaro (
   , 3 votes;
* Shani Gibbs
   , 31 votes;
#BAUniC2016 vote rewards were a human-to-human compromise for the quality and completeness of the presented projects.

Expected dates:
Projects need to be presented before 20171109 (9 November 2017), the sooner the better, so the audience and jury gets acquainted in time, and the necessary tests are carried out.

Debates are expected between 20171123 and 20171126 (the weekend before declaring the winners, 23 to 26 November 2017).

Winners will be declared on 20171127 (last Monday of November 2017).

Human to human interaction takes precedence over robotic following of the plans. Dates may change, but the people caring will be the people engaged with the projects.

See also:
. #BAUniC2017-Finalists
( .
. #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid
( .
. #BAUniC:movie
( .
. #BAUniC year in!
( .
. #BAUniC2016
( .
. #BAUniC:Enthusiasm 
( .
. Trigger Warning! #BAUniC will change the world!
( .
. #BAUniC related links
( .

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Should votes per USD reflect the price change between bitcoin and USD since #BAUniC2016?

Should votes per USD reflect the price change between bitcoin and USD since #BAUniC2016?

Vote/Coin exchange for #BAUniC2017 was planned at doubling of #BAUniC2016. Mindlessly (and efficiently) doubling is fine with a single currency, but given the current Bitcoin to USD ratio, maybe we should change.

This is not a vital issue right now, since we are not in the conditions to accept USD donations, but we are in the process of preparing a committee for this (we got the background workers ready to deal with legal issues and coins, but not the public face for a #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid based on USD or Euro) and it will become an issue soon enough.

Awaiting brainstorming and debating ideas and proposals.

Current proposals:
* Stay with Bitcoin only, stay independent open source.
* Stay with fixed price and mindlessly doubling rewards, for all currencies used, regardless of market fluctuations.
* Adjust the vote rewards for USD in comparison to Bitcoin when we prepare the USD treasurer group, and keep it throughout 2017 to adjust it again next year.

See also:
. #BAUniC year in!
( .
. #BAUniC:Enthusiasm
( .
. Trigger Warning! #BAUniC will change the world!
( .
. #BAUniC related links
( .