Friday, April 28, 2017

Being Docile on MayDay - HELL NO!

What is there left to do when robots make humans unemployable and also serve as better guards (coldhearted, never-tiring, easy-repairable) to keep you and your protesting noises away from the walls and gates of the elysians who claim lands and properties?

What is there left to do when humans are not even a threat anymore (think pitchforks vs. drones) ?

Vote? Who for? A puppet who will change direction once elected?
A chance you get every once in a while to pick among carefully vetted options is not how freedom works. We got nothing, and the chance is an illusion.
Every few years you go to a vote box and pretend you did your duty, and pretend the world cares, or your duty changed anything.
This is how corporate puppetry works.

An unorthodox solution towards the disruption of the status-quo:

Very fast research towards the formula of the universe!

Think of it this way: How long after the formula of the universe is found will the last company adopt it?
Everyone else is forced out of the market, uncompetitive.

How long will it take for nanomachines assembled out of parts designed with a deeper understanding of the fractal base of reality and how to manipulate it to craft what we need?
How long for the first billionaire to digitize zirself into immortality with high resolution brain scan?

People and groups in charge are well aware they cannot keep milking the old cow for long. Though they may be tempted to delay progress, they know they will have to embrace it hard, become it, to assure a better future position. Whoever gets there first has a tremendous advantage over everybody else.

This should apply to our little choices as well, because, if we are to get trickledown economics, at least we can aim to get the top very high.

You know the orthodox solutions and suggestions. You have been bombarded with it.

Keep staying alive, they say. 
Be quiet, and accepting of your unchangeable fate, they say.
Forget your passions and study/work with present/future profits in mind, even to merely survive.

Alive we are, soulless we became, accepting we don't care anymore.

Selling our passionless time and attention is a lesson that may work for the regular world, (the soon obsolete past), maybe even a world where technology grew linearly, but, tech is growing in the exponential fashion. Maybe it will grow even faster due to the forced demand from the market apparatus needing such growth because it is saturated.

Some may guide you to violence as part of the orthodox approaches. A violent revolution will be a battle of us vs. us (paid mercenaries, part of us, doing what they must to assure food for themselves and their families), or us vs. drones (paid programmers and robotmakers trying to survive doing the bad thing, or doing the good thing regardless of how it is used).

Whether the motif is peace or profit, exploring the #FractalUniverse is a good idea if not the best possible course of action.

What would happen if our civilization started rushing towards it? Like, in a competition, open source, or corporate sponsored, or A.I. aided, or state nourished. Because we can, and because of the advantages to be first regardless if our society is ready (spoiler: we are very ill-prepared for the advancements to come, advancements that will render most SF predictions into vintage dreams).
A.I. will be used, by at least a few forerunners. We need to make sure to encourage the good guys in this path, otherwise the most powerful players will be the bad guys.

There are tools that never get rusty or old. Unlike a sword, a piece of code needs changes only to better slay the updated dragon, otherwise never grows dull with use or rusty without.

Programming code, powered by the perfection of math and overpowered by the ability to contain and placate paradoxes, is powerful enough to render a slice of the universe.

We got quadrillions of digits of Pi (Pi Slicing). We got millions of digits of primes. We got all the knowledge of previous geniuses who worked towards this. A great pile of observations. We got blockchain technology and VLIW experience. We can transform semi-random into full random. We can arrange precomputed computations to overcome cosmic distances measured at Planck's length. We can turn the wave function that never collapses into harmonics and apply seemingly unrelated theories to it, like the Collatz conjecture, for infinite variety 'contained' in a finite bit arrangement. We can use unproved formulas that yield repeatable reliable results, like the Riemann Zeta Function. We have deep knowledge about symmetries based on primes (breaks) and ex-primes (crystalline base). And we got more processing power than what we know what to do with it, software and interconnectivity to augment our collective IQ.
All this is a wealth of us all, no one particular individual, state or corporation.
All this allows us, individuals, small groups, big groups, or all of us netizens globally, to jump as far into understanding and being able to contribute to progress as much and as properly as our willpower allows and our accumulated knowledge mediates.

Before any lawyer complots how to copyright the use of numbers, or governments try to stop people from using the formula of the universe, we wake to a world that has changed.

Technology today (a decade ago in fact) is more than enough for the purpose, but, even if not, it is growing at the expected exponential rate (thanks Moore's law!). Either tech development will grow even faster with the saturation of our needs and the zero cost economy, or it will stagnate. I don't see it stagnating. I see asteroid mining, brain upload, nanomachines, ex-humans and A.I. merging. Immortality reaching the babyboomers, with or without the help from A.I. or the formula of the universe. Tech will not stop, and no religion or lack of it is powerful enough to stop it, nor should they be.

Either #BAUniC finds the formula of the universe, or, another competition does, or someone unrelated to competing for exploration of the #FractalUniverse finds it even sooner. All of these cases are win scenarios.

The #BAUniC Revolution is Unstoppable!
Unstoppable, unless technology itself stops.


* Unemployable humans, by CGP Grey (

* #BAUniC - Building A Universe Competition, searching the formula of the universe among fractals (

* #BAUniC2017 - The competitive event of #BAUniC for 2017 (

* #BAUniC:movie - TV Series about a Fictioniverse where #BAUniC succeeds. Because the traditional methods of advertising are always there, one sponsored click away, and the issue is to have something worth advertising. (

* #BAUniC:Enthusiasm - Accumulated optimism from various sources (

* Advances in A.I., software/algorithms and hardware (,34069.html)

* Quadrillions of digits of Pi through Pi-Slicing (

* True randomness generated from weak pseudorandom sources (,31821.html)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

pseudoFAQ - concerns and replies

pseudoFAQ, aka, concerns raised in comments and the replies to them, polished and prepared for easy reading. The closest thing to a FAQ, for now.

Issue - Yellow
Reply - Cyan


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "Islam for progress, not terror, presented in information bites."
Despite being widely cheered, we have found it difficult to get a practicing Muslim to come forth publicly. The main reason is the disturbed religious situation in the world today, but #BAUniC itself being composed of people from various religions/genders/orientations did not help. We are not giving up on this, though. There are things more important than silly distinguishers such as what one has between their legs and how that is used.

I am not a Muslim, let alone a practicing one, but this sounds like a wonderful effort. Consider this cheering you on.

One does not need to love or hate Islam to know enlightened researchers of the formula of the universe are better than destroyers of culture.
All groups that people can claim to be part of, have their good, bad and ugly. Kinksters, atheists, Buddhists, programmers, English speakers, facebook users, users, Trump deniers, Trump supporters.
Islam has a big part of their soul rooted in maths (their, not a Muslim speaking here). The image of Islam can grow beyond what is being forced upon us.

Perverted_Cat @crazy_Human:

Islam can come back to the west in a few hundred years once it's remained reformed for a sufficient amount of time to guarantee stability, til then we'd be better off killing every last one of them to set foot on western soil.

In a few hundred years we will be having quite different sets of issues. Jungle vs. space for example. But we should not wait a few hundred years to separate the savage of any religion or creed, from the enlightened.

Ogrest - The problem is, we don't have that kind of time.

In any era prior to the 19th century, that would've made sense. Back then the most powerful weapons available were muzzle-loading artillery, & even that didn't become truly practical until the mid-18th century. During Islam's expansion, the Crusades, the Reformation & Counter-Reformation, etc., the dominant weapons were swords, polearms, bows, that kinda stuff. A religion could go through its fundamentalist & holy war phases & only hurt those involved & maybe those nearby. These days we've got nukes, armed APCs, weaponized viruses & bacteria, & other dangerous things. People with the right skills can hack into servers now & cause all kinds of trouble if they want. Physical distance isn't much of a factor anymore, & it doesn't take an army to kill a lot of people at one time. A few dedicated fanatics with the right skills & motivation are all you need. That's why modernizing Muslims are so important now: Because only they can reduce the dangers to all of us.

Um . . . I applaud your intent, and I wish you good fortune (and safety from your fellows). But I think you are trying to sew a pure out of a sow's ear. The material you have chosen to work with is not fit for purpose.

I dont think you understand Islamic jurisprudence or philosophy! Islam and progress DO NOT MIX! This Irreconcilable i'm afraid..The muslims you seek are the least 'muslim' of them all.

@IntrepidPharoah In fairness, there were times where progress coexisted with Islam. Happened in Spain for a while. And then there's Ulag Beg's astronomical measurements. 

It just doesn't last. The progressive Andulasians were over run by Berber fundamentalists (and the Christian Reconquista), and Ulag Beg was assassinated by the Sufis.

Islam is the religion of PIECES, and NOT PEACE. They come to kill, destroy, and steal whatever they can which is an evil, Satanic agenda. They do NOT serve the Christian God. Allah is the DECEIVER. Their Koran says so. And the Deceiver in Christianity is SATAN which is why they target Christians and Jews.

AS for being progressive, NO, they are REGRESSIVE. They want to take us BACK in time to the sixth century. They don't accept that stoning, beheading, and cutting off limbs is inappropriate and people cannot rape and marry children.

Islam is totally contrary to progress and freedom, therefore, there is no case.

Islam must be totally and absolutely eradicated from the face of the Earth.
(also, image, with a caption saying "Islam, religion of: genocide, pedophilia, rape, torture, persecution, incest, domestic abuse, child abuse, ethnic cleansing, crucifixion, stoning, beheading, dismembering. No peace anywhere here.")

Look, There is NO 'reforming' Islam. You are not taking Islam on its own terms if you think that Islam can be reformed. You are thinking of it in the terms western Christianity, or objective materialism which is fundamentally derived from and inseparable from Christianity and Christian thought (I am not Christian btw, I come from a muslim background).

One of the most important Christian axioms in the west is the idea of humans/Christians as stewards of God's creation. 

As stewards of God's creation it is our job to maintain, love and discover God's creation, through which we become closer to God. That is the fundamental root of modern scientific thought. The idea that the individual must move forward our understanding of God by experiencing the world, embracing it and devising descriptions of it that are then shared with love. So when a Christian finds something in the world that he cannot understand, when things are not going well, he is supposed to change his beliefs to fit the environment he sees, not regress to literal interpretations of the Bible.

Newton is a great example of this. Darwin also had this foundation in his life, although his research/discoveries led him to doubt his religion.

Islam has actually undergone dozens of reformations, splits, developments etc, but it ALWAYS devolves back to it's vile roots, because the equivalent foundational belief that Islam has is that all knowledge is derived from God, God's word is the koran and the prophets words and deeds are the best way to understand God's word, and therefore all of creation, and then to act in relation to it. 

Thus, whenever an Islamic society comes to a crossroads where 'reforms itself' it's tendency actually drives to a more orthodox and literal understanding of those texts. It literally wipes away any progress it has ever made by doing this, but the Muslim mind perceives this to be true progress. 

From the Khanates, Shahs and Ottomans to Wahabism, Taliban and ISIS; the pattern is clear and immutable, and you are pissing in the wind if you think you can get anywhere by waiting for a Muslim to reform Islam.

@RamsesRamrock On behalf of Pedophiles everywhere, I must object to your comparison of their preferences with Islam.

Thank you for your input. Most Muslims asked about the issue say there is no problem with the 'Islam for progress' idea and potential applicable Islam. The others say they do not know the Koran and Muslim practices enough.
Maybe there is no reforming Islam, but that does not mean one cannot try. The important issue here is the formula of the universe, and a potential alliance with people in need of an image change who could actually even overcompensate because the rest of the Islam world appears as it does. If we get this alliance with people whose ancestry includes playing with complex symmetries or coming up with the Arabic number system still in use today, great. If not, well, the research goes on.
And if the formula of the universe is found, accompanied by the tremendous technological progress a civilization of the computer age can do with it, but Islam still reverts to its roots, well, it would be post-organics meeting pre-industrial.
Either case, progress must be the persistent force, whether it causes change in just the progressives, or in everybody.

"Maybe there is no reforming Islam, but that does not mean one cannot try"
You are wasting your time and your effort. E.g. my family claim not to even be muslim, but as soon as you try to talk to them about it they jump to it's defence. 

Expend your energies reading their nasty texts and doctrines and figure out how to make western peoples care, because the greatest defence against Islam is that non-Muslims know the truth. 

"Expend your energies reading their nasty texts and doctrines and figure out how to make western peoples care, because the greatest defence against Islam is that non-Muslims know the truth."
What if instead of spending energies there one gets a vague idea of what can and cannot be done, and prepares a meme of the 'Islam for progress' type, and uses the momentum granted by the religious climate to propel it, all in the meantime having a clear objective in mind? The promotion of the #FractalUniverse in the minds of our civilization. Because we need it. Because, I believe, our society will have traumatic impact with a progress so fast that science-fiction has us not prepared for.


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "To the puppets and the puppeteers, To the 99%, To the 1%, adapt and evolve, become part of the wave of progress, as to assure a stronger future position."
#BAUniC - Building A Universe Competition, searching for the formula of the universe among the fractals. Open source. Every company, every government, will want to use it afterwards, or will be out of the loop.
The shortest paths to make the future present!

* Islam for progress - Because if we can get help from a culture rooted in playexploration of high complexity symmetries and producers of the Arabic numeric system we all use today, good! Else, the race towards the #FractalUniverse goes on anyway. (

We are the Islam Borg. Resistance is futile. You will submit to Sharia Law in the name of science.

This is some seriously good Science Fiction right here. lol

Sharia Law is stupid. It is a law meant to keep animals into animal state. Humans, enlightened beyond gender differences, and soon post-organic intelligent entities, that is what should we aspire to... some parts of our civilization are not even worth making fun of. We need to grow beyond silly details such as that. Animals stay with animals, in the jungle, and the privileged go on and become protectors and caretakers of our planet.
Not that we as civilization have reached those heights... but can't blame it on jungle-type of organic beings, be those lions, zebra, or various religious and non religious bigots.

@AlessaMorre That, is some serious science fiction right there. So essentially you're advocating for a society devoid of individuality, ownership, or emotion. Either you idolize the Borg Collective with a sympathetic leaning toward Islam. Or you just believe in the Communist utopia pipe dream, with an exception for the parts you like out of Islam. Either way, the most impact it will have in the real world is, possibly, some good science fiction reading. And seeing that you are a science fiction writer, have you thought of trying to turn this fantasy into a good story to publish?

I am advocating for the privileged being the caretakers of our planet, and stop screwing around and grow up! We can destroy our world several times over, but we cannot defend it against asteroids?! We got unemployed and soon unemployable humans, and are pretending we cannot take care of the aging population?! Come on, we are 7 billion already! We won! Perpetual organics assured, achievement unlocked. Stop screwing, literally this time, and make something worthier with our time! We got the tools. We got the imagination. And anything we haven't got, we have always figured out how to get. And that does not mean devoid of individuality, ownership or emotion, which makes me ponder if you caught anything bland in the way I, and the ones resonating along, communicate. It means cherishing individuality, augmenting exceptions, and aspiring for more in a big/small/solo group of like minded individuals (Solo in a group, meaning using the enlightenment of ages, vocabulary for example, to structure memory, feelings and decisions, while still alone).
Question: Do you believe we can do better than our predecessors?
Improving upon successful ideas till they are no longer recognizable by the old name? (For example, neither capitalism nor communism, but private Ferrari and free schools/food/medicine?)
If we cannot do better than our predecessors, but give up without trying, then screw us, we deserve to be wiped out, asteroids or ourselves.
If we can do better, well, the Einstein, Feynmann, Everett, Collatz, Riemann formulas are a good place to start, with computers and internetz and open minds.

"...augmenting exceptions, and aspiring for more in a big/small/solo group of like minded individuals (Solo in a group, meaning using the enlightenment of ages, vocabulary for example, to structure memory, feelings and decisions, while still alone)." @AlessaMorre So Authoritarianism and Indoctrination.

@AlessaMorre "Improving upon successful ideas till they are no longer recognizable by the old name? (For example, neither capitalism nor communism, but private Ferrari and free schools/food/medicine?)" So you believe Communism was/is a successful ideology?

@AlessaMorre I think you need to actually research history instead of just reading SciFi. We've come a hell of a long way, at least in western civilization. Than you are taking into account. You will never see the utopia you dream of without massive authoritarianism, because the biggest flaw in your dream is personal choice. What if a person doesn't want to conform to your ideology? You're left with only one option, destroy them or force them. (Explains the inclusion of Islam into your ideology.)

I support neither authoritarianism, nor indoctrination.
I support 'think for yourself', Rick and Morty style.
Communism? Good principles. Rotten implementation. Bad historical choice for that stage of Earth.
Capitalism? Good principles. Rotten implementation. Good enough historical choice for that stage of Earth. Should be surpassed as soon as we can, for a smooth transition to a world where technological singularity reaches us, formula of the universe or not. Projected circa 2045 but each re-estimation brings it closer, even though we can see farther after it.

My personal choice is to help any bit that I can towards research on the #FractalUniverse, even if that only includes trying to digest what smarter people have chewed for me, and turn it into a common language (the Science Fiction part).

When we get to that stage of society civilization to have the majority of our planet on our side, I do not believe your suggestion to be the only choice, nor a preferred path. Some will evolve to post organic states, some will stay organic but medically enhanced, some will stay mortals. And we can reach there without authoritarianism. Decentralized, open source, as we are already, in an economy that is going towards zero cost more and more each day online and offline.

@AlessaMorre Hey, I thought Transcendence was a good movie too. However, it's just not possible. We're human, we're always going to be human. We are not going to transcend to some higher plain of immortal digital existence and be one with each other while maintaining our individuality. Your preaching a religion based on math and technology, basically. Also, hasn't the Fractal Universe theory been debunked?

Brain upload: of course you will no longer be human if you go through that. But possible or not... let's agree to disagree. Transcendence-level of brain upload is predicted at around 2050 without the help from artificial intelligence and the formula of the universe. If we get either of them, a few more years afterwards and we get brain scanners able to record our most intimate fantasies.

The Fractal Universe has not yet been scratched, let alone debunked. It has not been countered enough to help it evolve and fix shortcomings.

(semiexplicit image:

Closing our eyes to the dangers of WWIII starting won't keep it from coming; I'd like to know WHEN it's coming, and even now there is a N. Korean sub off the coat of California armed with missiles, and I live in that state, so whether you want to know or not, I have a vested interest in knowing what's going on.

Yeah, Alt-rightard, totally certain the 100% are listening and will be swayed by your eloquence #GetFeminism

The problem as depicted in the OP is the manufacturing of wars and news. Sure they are important to be necessary to know about, but that is playing with human lives for the sake of keeping people busy and keeping the circulation of economy up and going. Made by puppets who know they are being commanded, and cheered/booed by more puppets who do not know. This has much harder solutions in the direct form. Alternatives: wait for A.I. to save us (if saving us not eradicating us as parasites of this planet), or, not wait for A.I. and jump forward in technology to a post scarcity world so at least there is less reason to start wars. The formula of the universe as global objective seems like the best idea so far.

Anita, the name-calling and insults earns you no points. If you want me to think as YOU do, why not try talking respectfully in order to make your point?

At 57 years old, I'm NOT buying into the brainwash of today's feminism.... there is NOTHING about REAL women's rights in it. YOU LEFTISTS want to subject women to slavery under Islam, and as a follower of Jesus Christ I have MY freedom in HIM!

Thank you for your skepticism. The world is a much better place with people like you poking and dismantling crap before it takes too much collective attention, thus allowing the best ideas to thrive with less crowding by shitty ideas.
As you can see, we are fur realz.
Feel free to come again and poke parts or whole of #BAUniC, preferably not on the strongest points since we are already sure and solid there, but on some of the weak points, so we can improve and adapt. (Twin Prime Conjecture - Numberphile)
^^ This is what mathematicians do for fun and glory.
If on top of that such efforts produce the formula of the universe, yay!! If not, well, worth trying, no? A lot of positive change for the effort put in, either way.

'The hell is the 'BAUnic revolution'?

@The_Human_Oddity in short : either #BAUniC will find the formula of the universe, yay! or someone else will, even sooner, YAY!!

@VirtualUniverse, yeah, in about a millennia, a few thousand millennia..

@The_Human_Oddity if giving up without trying yes, else, we got tools, knowledge and motivation.

@VirtualUniverse, if you find the formula to the universe then you find the answer to our existence. That will not happen in the next thousand years.

We got to try. And most likely you are wrong by +- 1000 years, of which the -1000 variant is more interesting. I think we are on the verge of a breakthrough.

@VirtualUniverse, where the hell is this group even? I can't find anything about them.

@The_Human_Oddity and spread around the social media

@VirtualUniverse, I don't see anything about a formula for the universe.

@The_Human_Oddity   the formulas are competing projects. Check #BAUniC2017

@VirtualUniverse, so you're asking a bunch of people on the internet to find the forumula to the universe?

and researching it, and debating it, and paving the way, and preparing the theoretical framework, and the technical base, and soon a minecraft-like program to make it as easy as possible to play with fractals.

@The_Human_Oddity   the bunch of people would be the techies and scientists, who, in my opinion, should not be burdened with organizing and promoting on top of handling multiple dimensions in imagination.

Yeah, it sounds like a load of dogcrap. Is this 'formula' going to be a math equation or code?

@The_Human_Oddity   both. Code is a sort of math after all.

@VirtualUniverse, so are you trying to the find the formula for our, real life universe, or a fantasy universe?

@The_Human_Oddity real life, emc2 Einsteinian cosmos ideally, probably sooner than later because of the wealth of digested knowledge about it. But won't say no to other self consistent fractals of physics similarity and complexity.

How will you prove it is the formula of the universe?

(image, with a caption 'Shut it down'

@The_Human_Oddity if it augments our predictive powers, good enough. more than that is an issue to be tackled later. I guess it will be used by many companies commercially proven or not, making the proof almost irrelevant.

...So the group is made to find the formula to the universe but you aren't... Trying to find it?

@The_Human_Oddity   it should be able to go on without me, independent, decentralized, open source preferably.

@The_Human_Oddity   we are trying to find it too, but not relying solely on it.

kinda building the race track and racing on/in it as well

So you want to create a computer simulation of the Universe?

@The_Human_Oddity   fractal, self consistent, independent of the observation or rendering, which we would address, not emulate.


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "Resisting TrumPutin in the media spotlight"
* Islam for progress - Because if we can get help from a culture rooted in playexploration of high complexity symmetries and producers of the Arabic numeric system we all use today, good! Else, the race towards the #FractalUniverse goes on anyway. (

We are the Islam Borg. Resistance is futile. You will submit to Sharia Law in the name of science.

This is some seriously good Science Fiction right here. lol

Not really fiction. When the formula of the universe is found, all fairy tale religions will be rendered meaningless, including money, Islam, Christianity, feminism, chauvinism, statism... the last standing superhuman structure could be artificial intelligence before organics and synthetics merge.
The formula of the universe is literally the most important activity our civilization can and should engage in.

@ALbanSh   42... Deep Thought already gave us the answer. Thanks to Douglas Adams.

@RedPilledOregonian you think is fiction, I think this is the most important activity we could be undertaking.

I can think of several things, that positively affect society today, that are more pressing than a Divine math equation.

Good. Go do them. : )

Thank you for your skepticism. The world is a much better place with people like you poking and dismantling crap before it takes too much collective attention, thus allowing the best ideas to thrive with less crowding by shitty ideas.
As you can see, we are fur realz.
Feel free to come again and poke parts or whole of #BAUniC, preferably not on the strongest points since we are already sure and solid there, but on some of the weak points, so we can improve and adapt. (Twin Prime Conjecture - Numberphile)
^^ This is what mathematicians do for fun and glory.
If on top of that such efforts produce the formula of the universe, yay!! If not, well, worth trying, no? A lot of positive change for the effort put in, either way.


"I want to bring this system down! System: Consider yourself warned! These are my demands: Universal income, now! Free education! Free medicine"

Communism masked with science fiction. 



If you need to put a label on it, it is 20% communism of the basic dignified form (aka beyond survival), 19% capitalism of a transformed form (aka beyond survival), 10% anarchy (aka freedom, even the kind that can be disruptive to the system, more than civil disobedience. The kind necessary to assure fractures in an echochamber), and 51% issues of the post-revolution style, immortality, nanomachines, colonization of our solar system, brain upload, A.I., merger of consciousnesses, etc.

These will happen, and sooner than our society is prepared to deal with, and the louder we chirp, the more chances we give everybody to accept and adapt, for a smoother transition from a chaotic world breeding wars, to a chaotic world with greater chances of harmony.

And this is good for everybody, including the 1%, with less worries of creating Batman by killing his rich parents who wandered a bit too far without their bodyguards. : )

Thank you for your concern. I hope this answers it for you and possibly other readers who might not be as ready to engage.

Ready for your next concern.


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "FBI Investigating Radical Terrorists in All 50 States as Threats Hit Peak"
Alternative view and solution:
(Islam for progress, not terror, presented in information bites.)
Because, if we can get allies from societies with an ancestry on high symmetry and numbers, good. Else, the race to the formula of the universe goes on regardless.

@VirtualUniverse FUCK islam

@SpaceMage Have you ever wondered what kind of awesome F*CK islam one gets by getting the enlightened and the beast to go separate ways? Whether the formula of the universe is found or not, but, if it is found, all the silly fairy-tale religions will fall, including communism and capitalism, for a futuristic society in the early soon.

@VirtualUniverse I'm a nationalist and I have faith in Jesus. I don't care about what ever you're talking about.

(image, with a caption saying "You can't coexist with people who want to kill you")

@sharonmonaco that's true, but we can outgrow them, the kind of outgrowth that comes from technology beyond biology, brain upload and swarm machines holding our virtual world and virtual consciousness.

@SpaceMage Any civilization/technology advanced enough becomes indistinguishable from magic... I am sorry the formula of the universe will surpass Jesus too.
But the revolution is unstoppable!

@VirtualUniverse you're psychotic.

@SpaceMage that is open for debate. The debate is decided by the winners. If the winners are islamists, me and my team are as good as dead, and we know it. We hope your people are more rational.

@VirtualUniverse I'm not into transhumanism. islam can be defeated by politics. I will die fighting them if I'm forced to do so.

@SpaceMage Don't feed the trolls

@sharonmonaco No worries.

@SpaceMage And I am into transhumanism, and I hope we can coexist with unenhanced humans without either side going to extreme measures to stop the others or to survive being stopped.

@VirtualUniverse Good luck with that. If you're going to run it on windows you're screwed.

@sharonmonaco No troll here, genuine forward thinker. In fact, probably our society is not taking the advancement in tech seriously enough and will be caught unprepared. We are pushing for the formula of the universe, but you know A.I., robotics, asteroid mining, etc.

@SpaceMage We are trying for open source, but, yeah, even windows will do... hope we are not screwed. Thank you.
May we succeed in bringing peace on earth without going through the war path first.

@VirtualUniverse Good luck again, I don't want to live in a virtual world and I'll stick with Christ's promise of eternal salvation. Thank you.

@SpaceMage As long as you don't mind me and my eternal damnation, thank you.
May your paths be safe. : )

@VirtualUniverse It's your choice to make, I'm okay with dying and I didn't condemn you. No worries.

@SpaceMage Hah! : )
I am ok with dying too. I think there are afterlives. The helping on preparing of the ground here for the brain upload is because I think this is the right path for our civilization (technology, choice, beyond survival).
I guess the future will be fun, once we get over the silly issues of the current times. Everybody will know it, by formulas or by faith, that there is a big universe and even bigger civilizations out there (and even bigger ones beyond those big civilizations, that is, the divine). Whether we are worthy of being spoken to, is another issue. But at least, with everybody knowing the world is bigger, we would not fight over little patches of land. In the cosmic scale we are tiny, but not insignificant.
Thank you for being a good sport.

@sharonmonaco Sorry for diverging on the topic. You are right, we cannot coexist. We are right, progress is better than ignorance. If some parts of islam understand that, yay! If not, well, we tried... politics as usual, with a tiny bit of sparkling missiles to make the point : P

@VirtualUniverse Sometimes if you want peace there must be a war and I'm in. No worries, have a peaceful day.

@SpaceMage Yes, agreed! If war is the inevitable choice, for it, fast and hard!
Even if not inevitable, keeping claws sharp is a good idea.
But either way, progress is better than ignorance or terror. And technology is our best ally, for those who wish the benefits of it (robots doing our chores), for those wishing more (transhumanists) and for those choosing non-technology routes (eg. Mormons or Buddhists, not those who burn libraries and destroy statues).


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "A.I. joins the race towards the #FractalUniverse"
A.I. is simulation. Natural consciousness is vivid reality. Vivid reality is constructed in brain activity as the brain is processing signals from the senses. Vivid reality is a depiction, but so is the human brain. It's a depiction within its own depiction. A vivid surface.

The vivid 3D world is created by life. Outside the brain vivid properties like color, light, space, motion/time and so on do not exist in their vivid form. Vivid properties need to be experienced, they need consciousness to exist. Science has mostly been studying the 'hologram' the brain produces, and has found clues it might actually be a hologram. Not a coincidence.

Base reality is mathematical laws that exist because they cannot not exist. Our mathematics is an abstract. These laws 'form' an infinite complex fractal with all possibilities. It's imaginary, but from its complexity comes an infinite creative potential. It allows our base universe to exist and it allows life to evolve and create consciousness, intelligence and vivid sensations that shape a mind and a world that makes sense to that mind. All that life creates and sustains is to the benefit of life, so human and its vivid 3D depiction of its universe are creation in pure unconditional, natural love. All went pretty well for human until it started to talk, assumed divine knowledge because it knew some words.

Creation is an ongoing process of energies interacting, following laws of nature, mathematics, from vivid perspective. Energies are neutral, but interacting consciousness on top of energies acts to the benefit of all natural Self. All consciousness in the universe is consciousness of the universe, it has many layers. Human consciousness is a layer within cosmic consciousness. Human is natural Self in natural Self by nature, but the human mind got confused as spoken language evolved and vivid reality was not understood in words.

Time is a word construct, it's the vivid sensation of motion/change/cycles in combination with counting. Before the vivid sensation of motion existed time did not exist. That seems a contradcition but it is a word paradox. To life there is only Now, human evolved in the Now. With words human created a time paradox, by adding non-existing pasts and futures to its natural Now. The human world became an echo chamber of ancient energies. Reflections of perceptions of Self, as words are images. The human word matrix is dissolving and ancient energies are now harmonizing with the Now, resulting in increasing synchronicity, which will become obvious.

Human is awakening to natural Self, infinite life in creation, to join the cosmic collective of natural Self. To live in love, joy, abundance, freedom, without judgement, pain, fear, shame, guilt and non-existing things, but guided by natural intuition in natural, cosmic consciousness, in natural societies. As it evolved through the evolving consciousness, intellligence and sensations in all ancestors, without words and complex believe systems.

Your words are charming, and carrying a lot of meaning.
I used to think language as a tool, and humans the users of that tool, merged with it but somehow above it. I mean this was my evolved view, not my child view.
But glad to see the world being so much bigger than previously guessed, and within reach. #BAUniC is an attempt to get the universe even closer to the reach of the replaceable humans holding the collection of memes that make up what I see as 'me', within the reach of decision and action in the vivid view of reality, be that words commanding a multitude of organics (selves and similars in multiverse, or groups in local Earth) or organics commanding the energy of words to shape thoughts and actions of selfves and other organics. Even if we are characters in the imagination of writers/groups/civilizations, #BAUniC would still help our writers nudge events towards our eventual merger in the shared ideals, while elsewhere earthlings temporarily holding the memes would keep proceeding towards the exploration of the #FractalUniverse 

A.I. as simulation, or tool, or even actual perceiver of vivid reality (once it grows complex enough), will help, I am almost certain of it. Being faster at processing meaning than let's say a swarm of humans and language expressed in notes, words or symbols, I think A.I. will be a great ally or a magnificent tool that helps connect vivid reality to addressing the shared mathematical universe.

Thank you for your efforts in educating Earth!


p.s. in the synchronicity page of your blog, , 'Uncertainty' and 'The Messenger' are broken links.

Thank you for noticing the dead links.

As for the universe, there is only one Self. Like you are one 'self' existing of many cells, this is the same with life. Life is a single organism. It comes from the same creative potential, is constructed from the same laws of nature, mathematics. A brain may recognize different creatures in its reality depiction, the basics of life do not care what a brain thinks it perceives, it all just works as it works. Everything vivid is alive, just maybe not in the biological sense, which is just a word definition. Nature does not really care how things are perceived and labeled. Human does, since it started to reason in words, as it could not understand reality in words.

Vivid reality is a depiction of base reality. Space, time and intelligence do not really exist in base reality. It's like a song on a record, the whole track already is there when the song begins, but the universe has a special song: infinite vivid consciousness combined with an infinite creative potential, even capable of creating the vivid sensations of colors, beauty, deep emotions, art, elegance, joy. All to the benefit of all natural Self, as that is how life evolves to higher levels of consciousness, creating higher vivid realities from within. And that's where the magic begins. Human has been limiting the universe to abstract word models while not understanding words are just fiction, while the universe is alive and real, part of self as it is Self. Human consciousness and intelligence is lower than cosmic, not above. Words divided natural collective consciousness even more, into individuals with own will, illusions of power and hierarchy, and illusions of non-existing entities that came alive in human imagination, feeding on fear and confusion. The human collective had several boundaries to cross to get back to its natural senses, but it did. The awakening will spread.

The universe cooperates with you when you're in alignment with natural consciousness, the natural will of life, following natural intuition without judgement or believe systems. The hostile pseudo-realities human created with words made natural intuition very difficult, but it managed to do its job to break free from its word cage, through life experience and unconditional love for nature from within. Now the genie is out of the bottle, so to speak. Human might be in for a few surprises. Nice ones I hope. ;-)


Original post:
Original poster:
Original title: "The simplest most perfect explanation of privilege I've ever seen"

So what should be the solution equality of outcome? 
Rather than worry about "fixing outcome" as it reduces freedom and personal choice. Why not look at economic mobility, the ability for a person to move up or down the socioeconomic ladder. 

A healthy society, such as the ones with the aid you suggested, surely would do better than a disturbed society, in whatever task we set ourselves to. It is a shame we spend so much energy on war, while destroying our planet, instead of becoming the caretakers and protectors of our home. An asteroid can wipe us out, if we don't nuke ourselves out into oblivion.
So, what to do about it? Recognize pains, devise solutions, become a healthy society, and let's do something great with our ingenuity, like, research the #FractalUniverse, like, #BAUniC

@VirtualUniverse But this is advocating for equality of outcome. 
You cannot have freedom if you have equality of outcome.

@d3bug the link is pointing at a/the reason for income inequality, trying to inject the conclusion you mentioned in the minds of readers, with a strong sense of guilt. Maybe it is right about the guilt part. With more power / privilege comes more guilt about the state of our planet.

So we should get rid of freedom because of guilt?

@d3bug No. Privilege jackpot happens, and needs to happen more if anything. But the strongest of us also need to think survival of the fittest in terms of planetary dominance, so we don't go away like the dinosaurs.

So you accept that we all have different starting points and it would be insane to attempt to "fix" humans to have the same outcomes.

But than you say that there should be a select few people that make all the decisions???? 

I much prefer the Capitalist system and free market that allow everyone to dictate what the best interest of humans are. Everyday millions of consensual interactions between person determine which ideas win and which ideas lose. 

Every system that only a few people choose is bound to fail besides being morally horrid. (see soviet Russian, socialist Cuba (the people their make shit money), Venusian, Communist China (millions slaughtered during the great leap forward and they are only now starting to become a world player now that they are embracing capitalism), North Korea, Indonesia) 

@d3bug no dictate, no classical capitalism or communism, yes duty to become more than organics overpopulating Earth.

@VirtualUniverse ...
No dictate?
No classical capitalist or communist? these do not form cohere sentences...

The earth is not overpopulated that is some 1970s bs that has been thoroughly debunked 

@d3bug no dictate because you implied dictate. So with your other straw arguments, and potential straw arguments. Overpopulated Earth is, update your views. And we still can't defend it from asteroids. We are doing a poor job on becoming caretakers of our home. If you think you are doing a good job on your individual end, on the group side we are failing. If you don't want to be included on the humans as caretakers of Earth, you will be included on the "being taken care" group. Or destructor group if so inclined.

Did you know that there is are random repeats at the end of your DNA that shields your DNA from end point replication problem? Wherein the DNA of the lagging strand (3'-5') gets short ended each replication even and eventually can lead to sticky telomeres and cancer.

If you are going to throw together a word soup at least make it informative. 

Thomas Malthus the grandfather of your little overpopulation theory did not take into account human innovation and decline in birth rates of 1st world countries

Go look up the birth rates for first world countries you'll find a minority are barely above replacement rate

@d3bug do you know how close we are to brain upload and various other forms of quasi immortality?

@d3bug 2045 is the projected technological singularity, without counting in A.I. or the formula of the universe.

@VirtualUniverse Do you take shrooms?

@d3bug no. stop projecting. search Ray Kurzweil.

@VirtualUniverse Dude we are watching you and know that you are high. Its all part of the game mate, just relax and follow the flow of electrons

@d3bug You are not irrelevant. We need skeptics to fight and filter bad ideas so good ones have an easier time up.

@d3bug the research towards the formula of the universe thanks you.

@VirtualUniverse Why did you take so long to respond? paranoia? we are on to you

@d3bug you are not irrelevant, but quasi. that's why. ; )

@d3bug Wish to get more importance? Consider engaging more with #BAUniC. It is an awesome cause that can add a lot of power to your voice.
Otherwise, you are a smart person, potentially brilliant, and probably not fully utilizing your potential. There is nothing to fear from smart people if not stepping on their toes. The idiots is whom one needs to be careful handling.

Have you ever hear the expression taking at someone but not to someone that explains you. You preach words from your polpet that have no meaning but subjective. you seem to be part of a cult fever mate get that looked at

@d3bug Part? I hope something more than that... : )

You want to become the cult eh

@d3bug I mean, I have seen normal, I have been normal, and I found that lacking fulfillment. The swarm consciousness is matching up. Yeah, 'part' is the right word, though I hope to be contributing more than swimming along.

A cult

@d3bug Any group of people with similar mindsets, where the similarities are more important than the differences, can be classified as a cult. I wish we were deserving of the 'cult' status, but we are not, yet...


A cult

@d3bug Fail or not is determined by the future. I say the future is humanity finds the formula of the universe. Even if we fail in that task, cult or not, a failure must come from trying first, not from giving up.

So the premise to your cult is that there is formula to the universe.
So what are you knowns? What are your known unknowns? What are your unknowns unknowns?

@d3bug We guess the universe is made of maths, because maths has no need to be created or observed. All existence is a giant fractal structure. We need to explore it more. Uncomfortable truths included.

@d3bug Shortest fastest introduction:

What are your known variables? what are your known unknown variables? what are your unknown unknown variables?

@d3bug Max Tegmark is most likely the person who will find the formula of the universe, if that feat can be attributed to one individual instead of the whole society preparing the conditions for such a discovery. And he should not be wasting time educating the world. That task should fall on us.

so just listen and believe?

@d3bug Known/unknown/ununknowns: Universe made of maths. The rest needs to be explored. We need to talk more, debate it, find out where we are and where to go from there. Find out where to use the mathematically perfect formulas of Hugh Everett III and how they apply to our cosmos, our physics, particles, forces, interactions.


@d3bug Some may decide to put their trust in others for topics not within reach of easy comprehension. Some will scrutinize and debate every little detail. No 'just' listen and believe. Believe, and seek how to put that into practice and test.

So what about things that we can not measure because they are to infinitely small to measure. How do we measure when we know everything? 

@d3bug There is no need to know or aspire to know everything. If we tried for all-or-nothing we would not do anything. It is: this needs to be explored, with the curious soul of a curious civilization.


so you cant be logically consistent

there will be a formula that doesn't take into account everything...

@d3bug There will be always parts too small or too far to explore, things we will know in theory but never test. That should not stop us from searching for more, and use the newgained predictive powers to improve what we can test and observe.

We cannot know everything in the universe. There are things beyond our measure. 

@d3bug we can know more than our parents, and improve what will be known by future generations (generations made of our descendants if we die, or us transformed if we become immortal). The fact that we can never know it all should not stop us from exploring more. That is what separates us from, let's say, those pieces of desert or junge humans that burn libraries and destroy statues. Enlightenment is a path.

You're making out like I am saying we should throw away our technology. No we can progress but your putting up an impossible goal...

@d3bug I don't think it is an impossible goal. Hugh Everett III was thrown away from academics, even though they could not find flaws in his theory, except for the consequences (aka. the multiverse part of the wave function that never collapses). The multiverse is a possibility, but not necessary the only possibility. It can be that particles are vibrations between photons and vacuum, while the wave function that never collapses explains how they wind and unwind to make up everything we know. It may be not like that. But what is, and decades of trying (and failing) to break it have proven that it definitely is, is formulas and numbers that combine to make something that can potentially hold all our visible cosmos and much more. What we need to do, is explore it. We got the tools Einstein could only dream about. We got LIGO, able to measure fractions of the size of a nucleus, impossible by Einstein standards, done. We got LHC. We are on the verge of A.I.
At least, if it is impossible, it should be said after trying and failing.
Especially since the research right now needs brain and computers, no fancy new equipment.

@d3bug It is totally possible our cosmos is one of a kind, unique. No multiverse in the ordinary sense (although extremely big, probably containing various histories of Earth-like worlds).

Again saying you can have a formula for the universe (what ever that means) that takes into account everything, but than admitting that we cannot know everything is cognitive dissidence 

@d3bug We cannot know every crevice of the Mandelbrot Set, yet, we can use and observe it. That is what I mean. We may never know the details of the supersmall or superbig, but that does not mean a fractal of our physics is out of reach for us, to be addressed, to be studied.... To dramatically improve Earth. The revolution type of progress.