^^ This is either a great distraction so we the people forget some more important stuff they want us to forget, or they really really hate NetNeutrality and want to get rid of it... both cases are equally plausible in my opinion. Hating it because wanting to sell "Internet AND permission to use it", therefore making more coin therefore hating the option that makes less coin. And deception over this because of how it pulls our strings and we start protesting, and they want us to keep protesting, us vs. us, the us that want the free internet vs. the us that are paid by them to not want the free internet.
Well, what if we hang a big 'screw you' to their door?
A.I. is around the corner. Blockchain, I hope, will put corporatestates belly up (or at least force them to become openly bandits, as they are indeed deeply inside) to be actually attacked frontally. And asteroid mining is about to be ElonMusked into reality when states cannot keep up.
Suggestion: do not fight frontally over this nonsense. They want us to.
We can instead hit them where they cannot defend, for example, superfast research towards the formula of the universe, which is within reach, and which, when coming to our civilization, will bring science reality where science fiction used to be, and, to a satisfactory kick to this rotten system that keeps putting us into nonsensical fights for the free internet.
How to fight for the free internet: The most powerful tool would be to bring more eyes and attention where makes the greatest change, and, A.I. is being researched from everyone who can. Blockchain is the most disruptive weapon we have, and they hate/fear it so freaking much but cannot do anything about it as it is too widely spread now, far beyond the Streisand effect, and your individual contribution is less noticeable. But, on the front of the formula of our universe, there is tremendous progress shaking academic physicists of the traditional type, AND the open-minded initiators of this trend that we dare call it the #FractalUniverseRevolution (or #FUR for short, which is kinkyfun innuendo to help the spread).
Wish to express your rage at stupidly fighting to keep the internet free, with the maximum bang for your effort? Share the #FractalUniverseRevolution instead. Or this post, which you can copy and paste anywhere or reformulate it as needed. Or bring forth examples of advancement, such as Nima's Amplituhedron, or this new view of the cosmos where 'no single singularity exists for black holes', or 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC.
May the hatred be with you!
(originally posted here: minds.com/newsfeed/843115889813417984 , for community interaction and such)
(originally posted here: minds.com/newsfeed/843115889813417984 , for community interaction and such)
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