Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fixing Africa

Fixing Africa's current problems in a decade with 50 million instead of 5 billion (, following the #BAUniC path (Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC

It ideally should go like this:
Invest the 50 million in #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid, providing Nobel Prize level prizes for the winners of competition (not just a big first prize, many such, to mathematically get the maximum before diminishing returns kick in) for the foreseeable future, 50 years and more even with no more funding. This attracts confidence and attention, minds working together augmenting the effects. And this in itself sparks the #FractalUniverseRevolution, a time when humans obsess about fractals in search of physics (#FUR for short and for fun, as in, #FUR them! or #FUR us!). Open Source style. And this rolls forward science so much faster than predictions, that in a few years our civilization should get a rough formula of the universe (enough for nanomachines and hybrid biology, maybe not yet for FTL communications or fractal supercomputers), a formula that no company or nation could afford to not use if everybody else is using.

This is a great great snowball that will catapult our society in the fantastic future, with so much progress that it will even trickle down to Africa, enough to fill in all the pockets of all the corrupt politicians and leave some bits for the population (bits that get augmented by technology, 3D printers and whatnot, that can make a corner of paradise in the desert).

Wanna help? You don't need to be the techie builder of fractals to aid #BAUniC. If your talents are in the understanding and simplifying the message, or shouting it for more ears to hear it, great!
We got the superpower of the internetz at our fingertips after all. We are privileged enough to spark this #FractalUniverseRevolution ... otherwise, what are you doing reading this without a computer/phone/tablet?

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