Friday, April 28, 2017

Being Docile on MayDay - HELL NO!

What is there left to do when robots make humans unemployable and also serve as better guards (coldhearted, never-tiring, easy-repairable) to keep you and your protesting noises away from the walls and gates of the elysians who claim lands and properties?

What is there left to do when humans are not even a threat anymore (think pitchforks vs. drones) ?

Vote? Who for? A puppet who will change direction once elected?
A chance you get every once in a while to pick among carefully vetted options is not how freedom works. We got nothing, and the chance is an illusion.
Every few years you go to a vote box and pretend you did your duty, and pretend the world cares, or your duty changed anything.
This is how corporate puppetry works.

An unorthodox solution towards the disruption of the status-quo:

Very fast research towards the formula of the universe!

Think of it this way: How long after the formula of the universe is found will the last company adopt it?
Everyone else is forced out of the market, uncompetitive.

How long will it take for nanomachines assembled out of parts designed with a deeper understanding of the fractal base of reality and how to manipulate it to craft what we need?
How long for the first billionaire to digitize zirself into immortality with high resolution brain scan?

People and groups in charge are well aware they cannot keep milking the old cow for long. Though they may be tempted to delay progress, they know they will have to embrace it hard, become it, to assure a better future position. Whoever gets there first has a tremendous advantage over everybody else.

This should apply to our little choices as well, because, if we are to get trickledown economics, at least we can aim to get the top very high.

You know the orthodox solutions and suggestions. You have been bombarded with it.

Keep staying alive, they say. 
Be quiet, and accepting of your unchangeable fate, they say.
Forget your passions and study/work with present/future profits in mind, even to merely survive.

Alive we are, soulless we became, accepting we don't care anymore.

Selling our passionless time and attention is a lesson that may work for the regular world, (the soon obsolete past), maybe even a world where technology grew linearly, but, tech is growing in the exponential fashion. Maybe it will grow even faster due to the forced demand from the market apparatus needing such growth because it is saturated.

Some may guide you to violence as part of the orthodox approaches. A violent revolution will be a battle of us vs. us (paid mercenaries, part of us, doing what they must to assure food for themselves and their families), or us vs. drones (paid programmers and robotmakers trying to survive doing the bad thing, or doing the good thing regardless of how it is used).

Whether the motif is peace or profit, exploring the #FractalUniverse is a good idea if not the best possible course of action.

What would happen if our civilization started rushing towards it? Like, in a competition, open source, or corporate sponsored, or A.I. aided, or state nourished. Because we can, and because of the advantages to be first regardless if our society is ready (spoiler: we are very ill-prepared for the advancements to come, advancements that will render most SF predictions into vintage dreams).
A.I. will be used, by at least a few forerunners. We need to make sure to encourage the good guys in this path, otherwise the most powerful players will be the bad guys.

There are tools that never get rusty or old. Unlike a sword, a piece of code needs changes only to better slay the updated dragon, otherwise never grows dull with use or rusty without.

Programming code, powered by the perfection of math and overpowered by the ability to contain and placate paradoxes, is powerful enough to render a slice of the universe.

We got quadrillions of digits of Pi (Pi Slicing). We got millions of digits of primes. We got all the knowledge of previous geniuses who worked towards this. A great pile of observations. We got blockchain technology and VLIW experience. We can transform semi-random into full random. We can arrange precomputed computations to overcome cosmic distances measured at Planck's length. We can turn the wave function that never collapses into harmonics and apply seemingly unrelated theories to it, like the Collatz conjecture, for infinite variety 'contained' in a finite bit arrangement. We can use unproved formulas that yield repeatable reliable results, like the Riemann Zeta Function. We have deep knowledge about symmetries based on primes (breaks) and ex-primes (crystalline base). And we got more processing power than what we know what to do with it, software and interconnectivity to augment our collective IQ.
All this is a wealth of us all, no one particular individual, state or corporation.
All this allows us, individuals, small groups, big groups, or all of us netizens globally, to jump as far into understanding and being able to contribute to progress as much and as properly as our willpower allows and our accumulated knowledge mediates.

Before any lawyer complots how to copyright the use of numbers, or governments try to stop people from using the formula of the universe, we wake to a world that has changed.

Technology today (a decade ago in fact) is more than enough for the purpose, but, even if not, it is growing at the expected exponential rate (thanks Moore's law!). Either tech development will grow even faster with the saturation of our needs and the zero cost economy, or it will stagnate. I don't see it stagnating. I see asteroid mining, brain upload, nanomachines, ex-humans and A.I. merging. Immortality reaching the babyboomers, with or without the help from A.I. or the formula of the universe. Tech will not stop, and no religion or lack of it is powerful enough to stop it, nor should they be.

Either #BAUniC finds the formula of the universe, or, another competition does, or someone unrelated to competing for exploration of the #FractalUniverse finds it even sooner. All of these cases are win scenarios.

The #BAUniC Revolution is Unstoppable!
Unstoppable, unless technology itself stops.


* Unemployable humans, by CGP Grey (

* #BAUniC - Building A Universe Competition, searching the formula of the universe among fractals (

* #BAUniC2017 - The competitive event of #BAUniC for 2017 (

* #BAUniC:movie - TV Series about a Fictioniverse where #BAUniC succeeds. Because the traditional methods of advertising are always there, one sponsored click away, and the issue is to have something worth advertising. (

* #BAUniC:Enthusiasm - Accumulated optimism from various sources (

* Advances in A.I., software/algorithms and hardware (,34069.html)

* Quadrillions of digits of Pi through Pi-Slicing (

* True randomness generated from weak pseudorandom sources (,31821.html)

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