Thursday, March 30, 2017

Profit vs. Humanity

Issue: ISPs selling data

Root of the problem: Profit vs. Humanity

Solution: #BAUniC

Suggestions such as the one proposed by 'Cards Against Humanity', gathering the browsing data of those pushing for this and sharing them, are good for a giggle, but not the solution, even if they work as intended.
They may work against self-made people such as Google leaders when defending 'if you got nothing to hide, don't hide anything', but the politicians are there by forces greater than themselves. Politicians are puppets of greater monsters in our civilization, and the risk of exposure of their search history is acceptable, if not desired, by the puppeteers, as a way to better control their puppets.

Politicians are filtered at the base, before even being considered serious contenders at any level. They are hooked up in leverage scandals whether they did it or did not. Even if they make it through (a lifetime of hiding while being part of the system that mediates this, practically helping the system get rid of disruptive elements, among other things), elections are too few and far apart to keep up with technology. This, and many other issues, need a revolution to get through. The elite need to realize that when reasoning about keeping milking the same old cows vs. the guillotine prospect as happens in revolutions, even if the guillotine will be used on the facade and not the actual puppeteers.
Also, puppets can be removed if they deviate too much, even assassinated, for a new facade to be presented to the people and grab their 1-person-1-vote.

Mechanisms, such as FightForTheFuture, ready, with sharp shared attention looking for when the system goes for profit at the acceptable risk of getting caught... good when calling 'bad' the other side. Not the best use of resources otherwise, although we should have such mechanisms ready against any regime.

Lack of competition in ways to organize society does not mean the current system is beyond criticism, improvement or the prospect of revolution if the system is no longer 'by the people, for the people', if the system becomes 'other', the 'bad', because that becomes the 'enemy', and it should not be like this.
Also, debatable whether this system is without ideological competitors because there aren't any better solutions proposed, or alternatives are suppressed, or somehow mercenaries mingle with the other systems a bit more than spreading rumours about it. But this is not trying to shed light into alternatives, because most alternatives will become obsolete with the #BAUniC Revolution.

Please don't let the fact that #BAUniC is a solution to so many other problems be a deterrent from it being a solution to this particular issue.

Issue: ISPs selling data,34012.html

Solution: #BAUniC

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Videomakers needed for audio-video exposition of #BAUniC and its side-projects.

According to your skills we need people to expose in audio/video/graphics format 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC and various aspects of it, like the techie side, the soulwarming side, the organizational side, the enthusiast side, the revolutionary side, some of the side projects (like '#BAUniC:movie', 'Islam for progress', '#BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid' etc), some play around, and maybe even a bit of trolling.

Videos must be open source free to use and reproduce worldwide. For as long as they are up and running in your channel, links on #BAUniC pages will point there.

This is volountary work. If you think profit, you must think sponsor and prestige, not payment. Exposure will benefit both of us, and no coins need to change hands.

Given the importance of the formula of the universe to our civilization, even though you may not be the right person to produce an exposition audio-visual material, chances are you know someone with the right skills who wishes to contribute in time and attention. Lend us your ability to contact those people. Share this information with potential guardians.

Thank you!

#BAUniC - Building A Universe Competition, searching the formula of the universe among fractals.

#BAUniC2017 - The competitive event of #BAUniC for 2017.

#BAUniC:movie - TV Series about a Fictioniverse where #BAUniC succeeds in contacting aliens.

Islam for progress - Because English is the language of humans, but the universe is written in maths, and we still use the original Arabic symbols.

#BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid - Funds management for prizes for the competition.

#BAUniC:Enthusiasm - Accumulated optimism from various sources.

Examples of play around and a bit of trolling:
Also an April 31st joke, a few hashtags to spur controversy, a few ideas on how to get people to talk more about it, a few targeted groups that might respond to the triggering, a few semi-obscene ideas, and the original name of this competition, the Fractal Universe Challenge, chosen for its memorable acronym.

Examples of heartwarming:

Examples of revolutionary:

Because the formula of the universe is within reach of individuals and small groups, with technological aids Einstein could dream about, billions of digits of Pi and millions of digits of Primes. But with a wider range of techies working together to evolve concepts and language/formulas/computer code, the formula is years away, not decades away.