#BAUniC is an open-source, non-profit, decentralized project. We realize, though, that coins help attract attention and tease competitors, therefore are open to various forms of sponsoring and product placement.
In order to provide ever-pouring funding to #BAUniC we have come up with the idea of a funding pyramid giving away a portion of the accumulated pot each year to the winners of the competition. This way a single investment will carry on feeding the competition forever, as mathematicians delight in the concept. But, a normal series of donations will have snowball effects, the hot type!
Donations may come in various ways, cheering various accomplishments as fitting the desires of the donators, such as 'fully functioning program or combination of programs that renders the final result in comprehensible 640x480 or better', or 'addressing the self-consistent variant of target physics where 3 quarks (their vortex representatives) and 1 electron (antivortex on the same side of causality) settle at the lowest energy in something resembling hydrogen'. But donations that come through the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid will be rewarded with votes with which to pick the 'Best Formula' and 'Best Tutorial' winners and runner-ups. These votes give extra power to the project itself, and can be used as encouragement or reward for quests, 'drawing energy' from the environment to the benefit of donators of coin, time and success.
(see 'Current voters log' and 'Current accumulated pot of prizes' below)
The #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid is designed to be a self-sustaining entity, giving away 1/3 of the accumulated pot of rewards each year, aiming to provide the equivalent of a Nobel Prize to the winners of #BAUniC (filling in where the Nobels lack, prizes for mathematics and programming). Diminishing returns guide prize distribution to stop there, and favour multiple prizes spread in time and among other competitors, which does a better job in teasing talents towards the Theory of Everything successfully rendered in a computer.
(see 'Current prize distribution' below for more details, categories, and the distribution of coins)
If the guardians no longer wish to keep guarding the funds, they can simply pass on their share to other guardians of the same type.
(see 'Guardians of the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid' below for more)
Applying liquid democracy rules for vote count (that is, partial category/time delegation of decision making capabilities to trusted entities, in real time agreement over insta-internet). This is a human-to-human project after all. If we can't handle a bit of communication, oiii...
(e.g., if I have 10 votes, I may wish to give all of them to only 1 project on the 'Best Formula' category, and give 3-3-2-1-1 votes on the 'Best Tutorial' category, and pass on the decision to my mate in the 'Best Scenery' category.)
Projects will be ordered by number of votes in their respective category.
Winners and followers will be declared afterwards.
Current accumulated pot of prizes:
* 1902 L$
* zero Bitcoins
* zero USD
* zero Euro
Guardians of the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid:
L$ Guardians and visitor place:
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: 1902 L$ *
Bitcoin Guardians:
* Alessa Morre, pen-name of the #BAUniC-Fictioniverse writer.
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero *
* Nathan Fisher, youtube entertainer at Nate's Turn.
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero *
USD/Euro Guardians:
* '#BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid-FiatCurrency' committee in Real Life.
Public Faces: Edlira and Eljon
Also background group has an extra accountant and an extra lawyer who would rather not be exposed publicly.
Donations addresses will be given after human-to-human communication.
Current pot: zero USD, zero Euro *
Minds.com views points guardians:
* minds.com/BAUniC
Current pot: zero viewpoints *
Current prize distribution:
1/3 of the current pot will be given to #BAUniC winners, with 2/3 fueling next year's competition. This provides solid return for the vote rewards, while still practicing vote deflation based on eternal feeding of the prize mechanisms. The pot will be split between categories, of which 2 are core ('Best Formula' because the final goal is the formula of the universe, and 'Best Tutorial' because the most powerful path to it is making it easier for people with ideas to turn those ideas into working models) and more will be added as more competitors and donators agree upon (such as 'Best Scenery', 'Our home in the e=mc2', 'The Fractal Supercomputer', 'Best chances of Life' or 'Best Chances of Civilizations').
General distribution rules as of 20170215:
1st prize: 1/4 of total prizes for the category;
2nd prize: 3/5 of first prize;
3rd prize: 2/5 of first prize;
4th prizes, 2 of them: 2x 3/10 of first prize;
5th prize, 3 of them: 3x 2/10 of first prize;
6th prize, 4 of them: 4x 1/10 of first prize;
7th prize, 8 of them: 8x 1/20 of first prize;
Example distribution of 40 Bitcoins, parallel/independent of also 20'000 USD/Euro, parallel/independent of also 1'000'000 L$, for a single category:
1st prize: 10 Bitcoins + 5000 USD/Euro + 250'000 L$
2nd prize: 6 Bitcoins + 3000 USD/Euro + 150'000 L$
3rd prize: 4 Bitcoins + 2000 USD/Euro + 100'000 L$
4th prizes, 2 of them: 3 Bitcoins each + 1500 USD/Euro each + 75'000 L$ each
5th prizes, 3 of them: 2 Bitcoins each + 1000 USD/Euro each + 50'000 L$ each
6th prizes, 4 of them: 1 Bitcoin each + 500 USD/Euro each + 25'000 L$ each
7th prizes, 8 of them: 1/2 Bitcoins each + 250 USD/Euro each + 12'500 L$ each
Of 1984 L$ in the pot for 2017, 656 L$ (as rounded for the calculations since L$ can't be split) were to be distributed to the winners with a complete working project in:
Best Formula: 328 L$
Best Tutorial: 328 L$
1st prize: 82 L$ (one of which was delivered)
2nd prize: 50 L$
3rd prize: 34 L$
4th prizes, 2 of them: 25 L$ each
5th prizes, 3 of them: 16 L$ each
6th prizes, 4 of them: 8 L$ each
7th prizes, 8 of them: 4 L$ each
Unused coins were returned to the pot for next year. As simple as that.
, 31 votes;
* TutGolly
, 74 votes;
Vote rewards for coin donators #BAUniC2017:
1 USD for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid was rewarded with 4 votes with which to help chose the winners of #BAUniC2017
1 Bitcoin for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid was rewarded with 4096 votes for #BAUniC2017
64 L$ for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid in SecondLife were rewarded with 1 vote (L$ to USD exchange ratio of 250L$=1USD)
250 viewpoints for the #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid in minds.com were rewarded with 1 vote (minds.com viewpoint to USD exchange ratio 1000viewpoints=1USD)
#BAUniC2018 rewards will be double those of #BAUniC2017.
See 'Vote deflation mechanism' below for more.
Symbolic vote rewards valid for #BAUniC2018 for competitors of #BAUniC2017:
Participating teams (with complete projects) will be rewarded with:
14 votes for their main project in the chosen category,
+10 votes for a tutorial to building a similar project (not just steps to reproducing the results),
and +6, +4, +2 votes for participating in other categories.
Finalists will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+26 votes for making it to the finals of their chosen category,
+22 votes for the tutorial finals,
and respectively +12, +8 and +4 if they make it to more categories.
Winners will also have a symbolic vote gift:
+38 votes for winning their chosen category,
+34 if they win the tutorial race,
and +18, +12, +6 if they win more categories.
Symbolic votes go through the vote deflating mechanism too.
Vote deflation mechanism:
After every competition the vote rewards for contributors and donators will double while vote count will remain the same. New voters will be added to the ledger along with their new vote abilities alongside old voters. That means, contributor once, voter forever, which we desire since that hooks you up in more than one way. We need humans!