2016, #BAUniC year in!
Raising from the ashes of the Fractal Universe Challenge (chosen for its memorable acronym, later changed because a rose may not smell as good with a different name), #BAUniC has grown during 2016 from an idea to a skeleton structure of various decentralized initiatives, ideas and parallel projects. Work in progress (like all works), but, working, functional!
Think globally, act interneglobalocaly... this is how #BAUniC started, aided by the zero cost economy, and trying to ignore the costs of advertising.
An idea about physics needed extra minds to brainstorm it and/or turn it into code ideas on how the universe works.
Why not expand this for a global audience and for anyone who needs such help?
Why not prepare the environment to encourage it?
And, #BAUniC was born!
We are celebrating victories AND failures!
People not liking the change-in-perspective-over-what-the-base-of-reality-could-be, still don't like it. They still disrupt our message on comments and threads. To some this may look like a failure. We cheer it too, along a lot of enthusiasm radiated back from most of the minds exposed to #BAUniC. Open Source Conference Albania for 2016 in May was one such enthusiast place, much more so than Innovation Week 2016 on the next day. True, we are trying to bring forth the revolution in a non-profit fashion, and startups need the money, but we also are constructing #BAUniC decentralized at its core, therefore any side project that could potentially provide profits for the entrepreneurs can easily be attached along as a side project, independent but related.
One such side project is the #BAUniC:movie promotion path. It happens in a parallel universe where 'the other' won the US presidential election, #BREXIT did not exit, and Bud Spencer still died.
We have to admit we were not prepared for Trump to win, or rather, we were prepared for his victory in the #BAUniC Fictioniverse. This messed up our scripts.
To be honest, we do not wish to put Clinton as the winner in the Fictioniverse, and will go for our sweetheart Bernie BlueBird Sanders as the winner. Too bad he did not win the real (or is that 'real'?) world. Jill Stein, we wish we could have done more towards your 5% in real life, but your soul will be pushed along with #BAUniC and the movie.
#BAUniC:movie is in scripting and resource-gathering stage, preparing scenes and their components. More on it can be found on baunic-movie.blogspot.com
Because of the need for exposure of in-world concepts, the movie is at least a trilogy. We are preparing for a TV Series of StarTrek level, but may need to cut down. A single movie will not make it to introduce the concepts AND a sufficiently intriguing storyline all at once, therefore we are not even trying.
Other fronts being created and developed during 2016 have been social media presence. We have a LinkedIn account connected to many important figures (linkedin.com/in/baunic), a quiet bird tweeting only when needed (@Virtua1universe), a retransmit/retweet 'army' of dormant agents waiting to be triggered for a viral attempt (called appropriately '#BAUniC RETwarmy', facebook.com/groups/baunicretwarmy), a presence in SecondLife and independent expansion there (such as a theme park, a storyline to follow for roleplayers, and possibly the recording ground for some of the movie needs. More can be found, in world, here: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skipper/78/53/80%C2%8D), and even a meme (fractaluniversechallenge.blogspot.com/2016/12/baunic-meme-0071.html).
We still need social presence in other social sites (including youtube), and in other virtual reality sites (for example Open Grid). We need to embellish the appearance, graphics and icons, explanations on the core concepts of the competition and the maths at the base of potential universes we are trying to explore, and of course better promotion and distribution of information. Something to keep improving upon next year.
Our social media presence works on few-updates mode. We are not here to entertain or appeal to the broad spectrum of human interests for the sake of numbers. We are not news sources or headlines dispatchers. You come here because you want to hear what we have to say. The topics are not easy, though we are trying to shift them to easier. They will be hard, science, philosophy and even fiction. We can and occasionally do make easy digest versions, but, quality concerns aside, these are wasted efforts for the audience. We have the message, we need the ears/eyes to transmit it to.
Our social media presence works on few-updates mode. We are not here to entertain or appeal to the broad spectrum of human interests for the sake of numbers. We are not news sources or headlines dispatchers. You come here because you want to hear what we have to say. The topics are not easy, though we are trying to shift them to easier. They will be hard, science, philosophy and even fiction. We can and occasionally do make easy digest versions, but, quality concerns aside, these are wasted efforts for the audience. We have the message, we need the ears/eyes to transmit it to.
It goes without saying that the meat of #BAUniC are the competing teams. Given the effort put into recruitment, we are happy with the participation, even though with zero coins in the pot to distribute to winners. We would have been happier if more participants went from paper/presentation level of work-in-progress to a fully completed idea-to-render project, but as long as we are pushing the wheel of history towards the mathematical universe, we get what we can. Sure enough the world expects papers on how the cosmos works instead of fully working fractal rendering programs. There are plenty of places providing to such need. There is not enough #BAUniC is filling in, why we are filling in there.
Thank you competitors! We are happy to cheer for your success!
We also need to find a brave Muslim to come forth as public presence for this piece of promotional idea:
Islam for progress, not terror: "English is the language of humans, let's get over it and use this tool of global connectivity, but the universe is still written using algebra, with the original Arabic symbols."
Despite being widely cheered, we have found it difficult to get a practicing Muslim to come forth publicly. The main reason is the disturbed religious climate in the world today, but #BAUniC being composed of people from various religions/genders/orientations did not help. We are not giving up on this, though. There are things more important than silly distinguishers such as what one has between their legs and how that is used.
If you find 'Islam for progress, not terror' a good idea, if you wish to promote Islam as a true religion of peace instead of the one that burns libraries and ruins statues, well, we need a few extra eyes here.
Also in 2016: More links, more resources, more allies, better filters, greater enthusiasm. (baunic.blogspot.com/2016/09/baunicenthusiasm.html)
Thank you allies for your/our eyes, attention and time!
#BAUniC is on the level of 'The world is my playground', reaching-for and getting what we need, and we are proud of what we have achieved so far, but not as proud as to approach superstars of these concepts such as Greg Egan or Max Tegmark. Most likely we would be welcomed, but, if one can be shy approaching somebody else, it is not approaching Elon Musk we are shy about...
Next steps: Fanclubs for Max Tegmark and Greg Egan. The world needs those. The shared mathematical universe needs those. #BAUniC needs those.
Various meme and hashtag ideas are being planned for the future, some less orthodox than others. Consider yourselves lucky *evil grin* we are not (yet) in need of those plans.
The viral campaign was planned to start in sync with the launch of "No Man's Sky" and augment the momentum of each. Since NMS launched very successfully, any more of it would be detrimental while providing very little more to #BAUniC, we postponed triggering mass engagement, while the structure grows, the movement gains momentum, and the potential impact becomes more meaningful.
For the funding of the winners, #BAUniC relies on decentralized pyramids of funds, designed to be 'never ending' in their giving (albeit depleting at different rates). After consideration, we simplified the rules of the original pyramid idea, and called it #BAUniC-Prime-Pyramid, to distinguish it from other versions (such as the #BAUniC-Sharp-Pyramid, which gives sharply half of the funds to the winner of best formula, and sharply halving the vote value, as opposed to more self-sustainability and various prizes of the Prime-Pyramid). An expanded and updated explanation about pyramids in various platforms that handle currency will be posted and links updated as necessary.
Thank you for reading and being a part of this!