Friday, November 15, 2019

FractalWoman wins #BAUniC2019 with Theory of Everything and in progress to full computer code!


Winner of 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC2019,,,

FractalWoman, Lori Gardi!

with her awesome progress on the front of unifying all physics equations and expressing them in computer code, directly from the fractal of all existence where determinism and causality have explicit meaning for a multiverse such as the one we live in,

with her finding a major bug in the known fundamental equations of physics, and correcting it,

with her breakthrough method of handling complex numbers, that has great implications in many fields of science and mathematics,

and, with her program to render the Mandelbrot Set according to this breakthrough.

FractalWoman's 2019 progress takes the form of 'Modified Unit Analysis', ''MUA'', presented and much welcomed by the community of #Minds at , or directly from her youtube channel: (titled: "Planck's Constant and the Nature of Light", intense ~40 minutes), and a followup presentation clarifying the new theory, and new wordings while better explanations are arising while the work progresses: (titled: "Wavelength, Frequency and Modified Unit Analysis", another intense ~40 minutes).

Her breakthrough in handling imaginary numbers is presented here: (intense ~20 minutes).

Her rendering program is presented at the swarm check of #Minds here: , or directly from her youtube channel: (leisure ~20 minutes).

(Tiny well coded program, less than 4 MB, extract-and-run. Works on Windows. May need 'Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013', those vcredist files, in case your installation has not been running for a while, because typically other programs would have installed them already. In case you get 'missing mfc120.dll' message, download and install the vredist files. For 64 bit Windows, both 32 bit and 64 bit packages are needed. These files can be found directly from Microsoft's page, here:

FractalWoman's youtube channel is friendly and conversational, the fluid words that try to make as precise as possible even more vague concepts that link observer, consciousness, the physics they live on, and The Mandelbrot Set, in search of the formula of the universe and maybe our Earth on it.

More about FractalWoman and her progress can be found at

Optimistically expected soon: Rendering coherent slices of the universe, and maybe searching for our familiar lightspeed physics in there.


The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Renown futurist retracts prediction! Expect technological singularity in 2025, not 2045!

Due to recent progress in all fields of industry and research, and the enormous interconnectivity between these, especially physics, in the age near nanomachine, renown futurist that used to predict the technological singularity at 2045, has changed his stance and predicts 2025 instead!

We used to think that the best artificial intelligence was the one that emulated human thought equally or better, but, we already have idiot-savant A.I., excelling at few tasks, such as combining the known knowledge of our civilization about physics. Given problems, such A.I. can give be coming out with solutions. For example, in the field of nanotechnology in organic environment, it can invent stable molecules in body's PH, that can combine in structures smaller than a living cell, that also receive wireless energy from a source nearby, and wifi, and move, like spiders, lacing the host with many strings of fiber-optic bandwidth. We can already 3D print atom-sized structures of various sorts. Finding the right structure to print has been the issue so far. There is no government structure in the multiverse that can prevent billionaires from becoming Superbillionaires, in the Superman sense, way more than immortal, if they can do it in a decade or so. Also, don't forget, who does it first becomes also Boss of Superbillionaries. In these conditions I predict genius A.I. by 2025, and by 2025 still, a couple of months later, nanomachine technology of the sort just described, for in-human use. We may never discover the secret of consciousness, or, we may. Completely artificial Turing-test-winners of general intelligence type able to understand and interact with the many nuances of human life in evermore complex future society may never come, or, probably, will come at most a few years later. But General Artificial Intelligence is not the technological singularity, Genius Artificial Intelligence is, we should be prepared for it because it is too lucrative a target for any current geopolitical force to hold back, if that kind of tyranny is even possible, or desirable.

This is assuming this physics, and lightspeed limit, is the only world we can live in, and there are no aliens just waiting for such singularity to occur, before contacting us. Instead, if we live in a simulation, we also have other realities to test and explore choice-branches of. And, we definitively ALSO live in an emulation, too, if Einsteinian cosmos extends forever in at least one direction of space or time, making it impossible for there to not be aliens or variants of ourselves that are playing our causality like an emulation, and can extract beings from it, afterlife-style, but not limited to it.

Indeed, 'technology indistinguishable from magic', may have been a mild prediction. If we figure out the rules of the substrate of our "also-emulation", we may hook up our civilization to the base of reality in extreme forms. Infinite energy and time travel become possible.

Can we surpass lightspeed? Definitely this will be explored in greater depth after we discover the formula of the universe, somewhere before, or after, we invent Genius A.I. Either way, from flesh to software, a life anywhere in between, will be open option before a decade rolls. New terms of description will be needed. Migrated Intelligence and the culture it brings along are complex. There is no need to define and limit what we can call True Artificial Intelligence, especially after such great improvements on deep learning. With many more leisure clusters of processor cycles making and correcting errors, as we keep improving at it still at doubling per year, (check how many cores your phone has), we may be forced to recognize other forms of intelligence. Cooperatively, in this world, we can, and will, get brain scanners, and direct electromagnetic emulation rather than neuron emulation. In due time more kinds of life forms will have a chance to form their own culture and society. And if we are not smart enough to build this, or that technology, we will build super processors and emulate worlds with sentient creatures that are smart enough to, and copy from there.

How all this can go wrong, is a story for another day, and another book. But maybe we have had enough nightmares in fiction to be prepared, and doing reality better than it, especially if it is so inevitably desirable and within reach, for at least a few, and, is a race who catches it first rather than an issue of 'if'. And this is true. 2 lies may not be a truth, but 2 truths cannot be a lie.

Happy distraction day 20190401!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

#BAUniC2019, 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC for 2019

2018 was the first #BAUniC with a complete project from idea to render, but, open minded research into the base of reality has been improving steadily.
2019 has started out great! FractalWoman has found a bug in the fundamental equations of physics, and corrected it, and is proposing "Modified Unit Analysis" (first presented on 20181221 here: , "Planck's Constant and the Nature of Light", intense 40 minutes; more on it presented on 20190121 here: , "Wavelength, Frequency and Modified Unit Analysis", 40 more minutes of explanations & further elaboration on MUA;) as Theory of Everything, while she continues to write down relevant equations of our physics understanding, but in computer code that is able to render an actual slice of the actual universe (not an emulation, a fractal that exists eternally). But also other competitors of #BAUniC are continuing their works in progress towards the formula of the universe. And Nima Arkani Hamed is continuing to work on Unification and Fundamental Phyics. But also academics are opening up, kinda, to the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis ( : "Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension", 20181228; or : "A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously", 20181224). And also, AlienScientist may be releasing their research open source free because of troubles (and possibly targeted pressure) from the money system they intended to use ( , "Introduction to PhOENIX Theory of Quantum Entanglement", 20180113, and: , on their plans for spreading their discoveries). And, also, the BBC series of independent futuristic movies "Black Mirror", is helping preparing the mindset of our civilization with realistic (and a bit dramatized) descriptions of what is it like to be living in a multiverse of all possibilities, because we need a multidimensional 'eye' (physical sensor and mind to read it) to see into the multidimensionality of all choices of all histories ( , "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer").

Enthusiastic about the #FractalUniverseRevolution, HELL YES!!

Will the formula of the universe be found during 2019?
- There is a very real possibility of YES, but, even if not, 2020 is right after it, and 2021...

To be able to project a potential change in our planet that is greater than A.I., countable in years rather than decades, is WOW! This is the most important activity any thinking unit on our planet should engage in!

#BAUniC2019 beginning now, is expected to finalize circa November. Projects and tutorials being presented earlier, tested and debated during, and winners + honourable participants being declared by the end of November 2019.

And you? Do you have a theory about how the universe, or a universe, may work? Can a cluster of thinkalikes help turn the theory in teachable words? What about specialized aid in physics, maths or programming to help turn it into formulas and code?

Would you like to join?

Would you like to help other join?

Remind/Like/Subscribe/Chat/Wire and #FUR more, whenever and wherever you can!

The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable!

See also:
. #BAUniC2018 Finalists and Winners
. #BAUniC2017 Competition and Winners
( .
. #BAUniC2016 Competition and Winners
. '#FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR us!' group on #Minds
. @VirtualUniverse on #Minds