Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Less children, more immortality!

Originally posted at minds.com/newsfeed/713737454347100160

Our world is overpopulated.

Making babies in this day and age is egoistic at best or dumb routine at ordinary. We don't want to stop egoistic people who actually want a child. We do want it to be a less accepted choice, though. But we absolutely want to stop people from bringing unwanted children in this world along with some of the wanted.

How do you feel about children?
Personal choice?
Is it really? Does nagging count as 'not so personal after all'?

We think childmaking should be discouraged in the world today. There are many voices that urge breeding, (even with the idiot claim that we need new blood to support the aging population, which is idiotic precisely because we got new and old blood capable of work but rendered unemployable because our needs are met already for the most part and there is less and less need for extra labor). This group (minds.com/groups/profile/713672694654050304) is dedicated to countering those voices and balancing the choice. It may turn into an echochamber, and we like it that way. We wish it to be populated with thoughtful opinions and people, as to give the potential followers a place to start having support and warm shoulders, condensed/digested knowledge and so on, to protect them from the religious teachings or pressure from relatives. This topic should become non taboo.

And the outcome would be less overall children, with those that make it to the light being actually very desired instead of routinely produced. 

We are 7 billion already, perpetual humans reached, achievement unlocked. Now let's do something more important with our lives.
With or without the aid from the formula of the universe, or artificial intelligence, technology is at the point of allowing the healthy among us to extend life till we reach brain upload from the awake state (instead of the frozen head state).
Immortality is close.
We want it closer!
We should have become caretakers of our planet, and we are not yet even defenders, (because there is no profit to be made in protecting our pale blue dot from asteroids, or making less gadgets without planned obsolesce). We need to wake up, or we may go the way of the dinosaurs.

This group is here to help evolve the mindset and accompanying vocabulary to deal with society's pressure to have more children. Words are powerful, and, having some lines of debate already prepared works well enough in getting parents and grandparents chew their fingernails when unable to reply the way humans of the 21st century should, through logic and reason.

We are a collective. Our culture is based on that, and our thought process cannot be separated from the environment around us. But we can chose many aspects of our environment.

The online world is a great place. In this great place, a nice strategy is to let grannies cluster in fakebuk while we keep exploring the intellectual space with as few shackles of convention as possible.

We have reached this far through a competitive spirit that has aided well the development of our civilization. The tipping point in terms of efficiency (effort put in vs. results coming out) has been for quite a while now to stop aggressive competition in favour of collaboration under passion instead of stress for survival. But this cannot be done in pockets of isolated deviants, who would be eaten (cooked preferably, but alive as well... figuratively) in the competitive environment. This takes a massive collective effort, which has been delayed by mechanisms in place that are almost as if designed to do that (vetted politicians, the illusion of choice, and once every few years to execute that illusion).

But, there are alternatives to the classic resistance.
The best of which: Fast Forward technology development! Everywhere, especially where it makes the most difference, aka: The formula of the Universe (#BAUniC), automation (robotics and A.I.), and using technology instead of being used by it (taking a new device to sped up tasks already doing, not taking new tasks because of the new device).

The current incarnation of the capitalistic/monopolistic/bureaucratic system is squeezing the creativity out of the most brilliant minds of our time for menial jobs that cannot be done by the unemployable middle-level humans and soon will not be practical to be done even by the dedicated smarties.
Any system coming to replace or repair the current one should not be burdened by the negativity associated with the previous labels. If the capitalistic system did not degenerate to mafia/corruption/monopolies/etc., it would be a good system upon which to improve and adapt new concepts. If the communist system did not degenerate to dictatorship/corruption/overburaucracy/etc., it would be a good system upon which to evolve and adapt for the new age. We are criticizing the current dominant system, but we would be criticizing anyone in with great power and lack of responsible intentions.

The 1% want immortality and not having to keep bodyguards around at all times (remember Batman), but are prepared for either way. They know there is so much to explore in our universe, rather than survival.
The 89% want an easier life as a result of advances in economy and society (remember StarTrek), but are not prepared to become the horses of horseless carriages.
The problem is that 10% of slightly above average people that make up the system. They are the conscious and subconscious of its internal thought process, and actuator of its will. And they are not particularly bright in their swarm manifestation, but persistent and wrongly transmitting their inadequacy to their replacement humans who join the ranks and become the system. Their philosophy: More More More! A system in perpetual crisis, perpetual struggle, perpetual growth. While that is good in times of war, we have reached the limits of our planets sustainability for the current technology in times of pseudo-peace, and, this philosophy breeds war! (of course, journalists reporting on it, and the soldiers fighting it, and the generals causing/commanding it need to eat too, and it is too late for most of them to learn new skills, not that there are many positions available anyway).

We are the first generation that is worse than our ancestors. And this is absurd given how much we have grown.

There are many articles dealing with this topic. The blame is easy to see in the final form. But, rather than pursuing what the very system has trained us to do, seek punishment for the guilty... what if we forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing. They are acting based on wrong beliefs. They are acting against their personal interests while thinking they are acting for the good. They are acting against their own swarm interests often knowing it is wrong. They are minor imbecilles (if they were smarter, they would be joining the 1%, which is their dream. And if they were dumber or in lower positions of power, they would be joining the ones demanding basic universal income). They do not know what they are doing. They are not to blame. But that does not mean they are to be cared about in the revolution to come. After all, it is their own damn fault.

Progress, especially right now, at these favourable conditions in the development of sciences and technology, is persistent. For the good of the 1% and the 89%, a fast progress is desired and fueled on many levels. The revolution is unstoppable!

Less children, more immortality!

This is our answer to Distraction Day 20170601 (aka, Children's day of 2017).

Feel free to debate this topic.

Feel free to surpass this topic and carry on greater things with what action capabilities our environment has granted us.


Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC - baunic.blogspot.com

Less children, more immortality! - minds.com/groups/profile/713672694654050304

Friday, May 12, 2017

TYT: Trump's SILENCE Over Black Lives Speaks VOLUMES.

Trump speaks something:
Boom Boom Boom!

Trump hires/fires people:
Big Badaboom!

Trump tweets, Trump travels, Trump farts... and you are bombarded with it.

We get it, you need to sell news.

You should get this: Your business model is obsolete!

It just so happens you are on the right side of history when denouncing Trump, this time around (or maybe because you put him there), but, it would not take much for most of you to flip side, because journalists got to eat too, and news got to sell, and boombastic news sells, and wars are a minor price to pay (plus it also sustains the production industry and pays wages of soldiers and remote drone pilots)... You don't need to do it consciously or within your individual minds with 'strong' moral guides. As a whole, you are doing it, and instigating more of the same... aaaaaand that's the way the news goes!

Young Turks: addressing the last part of your quote, resisting Trump:

The best way to resist Trump is to put him out of the spotlight!

Do it, or you will be put out of the attention-span of minds seeking more than brainwashing and fearmongering. That is like the worst thing that can happen to a news station.

To all news industry:
Adapt, or be a major contributor of the traumatic turn of our society into the inevitable progress that is coming from many major technological and cultural fronts. And the transition does not need to be traumatic, it can be smooth, as smooth as the top 1% (puppets excluded) want it, and as smooth as the rest of humans want it but your institutionalized grab is not letting it be.

This bit is a continuation of the stream of thoughts at:
Sadly, despite attempts to silence them, they are ringing far too loudly in even local ears, let alone our collective ears.

Our souls are hurting in the impoverished environment we have to deal with.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thank you skeptics!

Without you, the #BAUniC project would be swimming among a bunch of loser initiatives able to keep on going because not faced with questioning, or causes whose champions are not as determined.

We are different aspects of the same movement, towards enlightenment.

We do not need to have a formal alliance for each to be positively impacting each other.

We are smarter than our ancestors, by virtue of relying on the best synthetized knowledge they have to offer, and scrutinizing it, improving upon it, sometimes tearing it down.

Here, through educated guess, we can assume the formula of the universe is quite within reach of small groups and individuals, so much faster if we make it into a global phenomenon. Your skepticism may say we are wrong. But you must agree that this is such an important issue that we must try, not simply give up thus making it actually impossible. In a world of 7 billion, if 1 in a million are suited to exploring the fractal universe, we got 7000 bright souls and very considerable chances of success, because we got access to ready Einstein, Everett and Feynman formulas, and an open mind on expecting the universe to be based on maths and fractals. We got the computers and interconnectivity that augments our collective IQ. We got quadrillions of digits of Pi and millions of digits of prime numbers.

What compromises we could be accepting in the formal alliance with the 1 in a million? Is it acceptable if the research of the fractals comes from bright minds who embrace 'disgusting' theories outside of the fractal universe? Think Nazi, islamists, feminists, chauvinists, Trump supporters, Trump deniers, etc.
Would it be acceptable to join forces with such groups?
Where would the ethics of fast research meet with concerns outside?

Of paramount importance is for the good guys to be exploring the fractals, otherwise this would only be in the hands of the bad guys. That means regulations that help, not stop research.

Other than that, antagonism with the current system is a feature of the current cluster of souls supporting #BAUniC, and with good reason. The system is ill-prepared for the future that is right at our doorstep, formula of the universe or not. If the system was well-prepared, it would not be the same system, and likely we would not be antagonizing it as much. But the current system, the one that is threatened by progress (space, robotics, A.I., biology, immortality, and why not the formula of the universe), is pretty much our enemy. If the system is resisting progress, that makes it fundamentally opposite to #BAUniC values. We do not mind, for example, if enlightened exceptions of the Islam religion agree English is the language of humans but the universe is written in maths. We mind, though, the resistance to progress coming from the first world societies.

The 1% are no longer particularly keen on keeping the status-quo. They want immortality, they want to live in the semi-paradise of wealth and influence. They do not mind society going on for a while longer still in human-eat-human mode, though.

The biggest problem is not the 1%. They, as individual humans enriched with experience, have the vision to see potential futures and how to best guide their actions to a path that ensures more power in the revolution to come.
The biggest problem is slaves actively fighting for their system. Industries made of swarm subconscious resisting progress because the unknown is more fearsome than the known monsters. They have been so deeply brainwashed by the current organizational mode of society that anything else would be too troubling. The kind of people that would at maximum complain but not actually target criticize the current system, let alone take steps to changing it.
The kind of people so deeply scared of the monsters that could potentially come that they don't realize these monsters they fear are the very monsters currently inspiring that fear, which, upon a change of the system, will change facade or core of themselves and become the monsters that what is expected of them.

There are those who act into the resistance mode without conscious understanding, in a swarm unconsciousness of keeping what works, forgetting that it is not working (any system with worse outcomes for more advanced technology/productivity is not a system that is 'working'. We are a generation worse off than our parents, so, screw the system that made it so.). And there are those who understand some more, and yet see progress, especially those of the fastest changes, like A.I. and the formula of the universe, as the enemy instead of the system that inspired them to fear for their barely above average lives.

With few exceptions, the 1%, the leaders of the free world, do not want a life worse than already having. The issue is with the mindless crowd in a system designed to keep people busy and invent work. This crowd may even elude the influence of the 1%. These are the people that will keep society going and fuel the potential of violence in a revolution that is quite the opposite of that.

How much sense does it make to be on antagonistic terms with these people? Yet we must, because they are sheep that don't know what to do unless told, sheep that are part of a system that needs to fabricate news and wars to keep the wages coming because cannot conceptualize a zero cost economy with universal basic income. They are the ones who believe the outcome of the Rat Utopia Experiment, and take it for granted, shutting off critical thinking and skepticism. Well, maybe they are right. As far as they are concerned, they are closer to the rats than to the higher primates that do not fall into chaos when finding themselves into utopia. They are the people that would need a treadmill just to keep pretending they are useful, and that most likely will shun away from brain upload and becoming the new dominant lifeform on this planet. Bad/useless as organics, not wanting to become synthetic/software.

These people will be always a resistance, whatever your cause is. We should try to manipulate them, since they are prone to easy manipulation. That is not to say make allies out of them. They are not allies. They are myopic in-the-box thinkers which are more of a burden than an advantage to keep around and educate at the current stage of technological development. The immediate future will render them useless and depressed in paradise, but that should not stop the rest of us from trying to bring that paradise to earth. Becoming protectors and caretakers of our planet is a duty, else we go the way of the dinosaurs.

A far future, with a deep culture of zero cost and utopia of humans, will be different than the immediate impact of unemployable humans. The system is warned, and they know it, consciously (if they don't, they are too imbecilic to be cared about). The 1% know it and pull the strings accordingly. If the advancement of our society comes in traumatic form, so be it. Otherwise, zero cost is not what should worry us about the advancement of technology, and the advancement is unstoppable. Any country, religion or corporation trying to stop advancement is best suited for jungles and deserts, not the world of caretakers of Earth.