Tuesday, January 22, 2019

#BAUniC2019, 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC for 2019

2018 was the first #BAUniC with a complete project from idea to render, but, open minded research into the base of reality has been improving steadily.
2019 has started out great! FractalWoman has found a bug in the fundamental equations of physics, and corrected it, and is proposing "Modified Unit Analysis" (first presented on 20181221 here: youtu.be/Vce_1yfTTBY , "Planck's Constant and the Nature of Light", intense 40 minutes; more on it presented on 20190121 here: youtu.be/ArZtrIhFtdk , "Wavelength, Frequency and Modified Unit Analysis", 40 more minutes of explanations & further elaboration on MUA;) as Theory of Everything, while she continues to write down relevant equations of our physics understanding, but in computer code that is able to render an actual slice of the actual universe (not an emulation, a fractal that exists eternally). But also other competitors of #BAUniC are continuing their works in progress towards the formula of the universe. And Nima Arkani Hamed is continuing to work on Unification and Fundamental Phyics. But also academics are opening up, kinda, to the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (phys.org/news/2018-12-universe-extra-dimension.html : "Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension", 20181228; or tsknowledge.com/2018/12/a-new-theory-on-time-indicates-present.html : "A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously", 20181224). And also, AlienScientist may be releasing their research open source free because of troubles (and possibly targeted pressure) from the money system they intended to use (youtu.be/C8TSF7pE4co , "Introduction to PhOENIX Theory of Quantum Entanglement", 20180113, and: youtu.be/FIi5Ti1r1rY , on their plans for spreading their discoveries). And, also, the BBC series of independent futuristic movies "Black Mirror", is helping preparing the mindset of our civilization with realistic (and a bit dramatized) descriptions of what is it like to be living in a multiverse of all possibilities, because we need a multidimensional 'eye' (physical sensor and mind to read it) to see into the multidimensionality of all choices of all histories (youtu.be/XM0xWpBYlNM , "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer").

Enthusiastic about the #FractalUniverseRevolution, HELL YES!!

Will the formula of the universe be found during 2019?
- There is a very real possibility of YES, but, even if not, 2020 is right after it, and 2021...

To be able to project a potential change in our planet that is greater than A.I., countable in years rather than decades, is WOW! This is the most important activity any thinking unit on our planet should engage in!

#BAUniC2019 beginning now, is expected to finalize circa November. Projects and tutorials being presented earlier, tested and debated during, and winners + honourable participants being declared by the end of November 2019.

And you? Do you have a theory about how the universe, or a universe, may work? Can a cluster of thinkalikes help turn the theory in teachable words? What about specialized aid in physics, maths or programming to help turn it into formulas and code?

Would you like to join?

Would you like to help other join?

Remind/Like/Subscribe/Chat/Wire and #FUR more, whenever and wherever you can!

The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable!

See also:
. #BAUniC2018 Finalists and Winners
. #BAUniC2017 Competition and Winners
(baunic.blogspot.com/2017/11/baunic2017-competition-and-winners.html) .
. #BAUniC2016 Competition and Winners
. '#FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR us!' group on #Minds
. @VirtualUniverse on #Minds

1 comment:

  1. alright, here we go...
    1: a 'missing' dimension is pure energy.
    The reason why quantum entanglement can work instantaneously at any distance [even between galaxies] is an interaction between this energy dimension and our 'known' dimensions. There is no other logical explanation [ahem].
    2 : during the big bang, some dimensions expanded simultaneously [our current measurable dimensions], whilst others were 'stuck' in a micro-point-universe of the big bang origin. This can explain the difference in physics of quantum and macro universe behavior.
    3 : the interacation of the 'energy dimension' and our 'known' dimension will help in the understanding of gravity waves and how all things interact on a truly universal scale as well as the infinitesimally small quantum world.
    4 : I cannot prove any of this, it's just a hunch. But I have not heard a more convincing explanation !
    5 : All thoughts and comments welcome - the best idea is the best idea - it does not matter who said it - it's the idea that counts.
